Cu 3p, Al 2p and O 1s XPS peaks of clean surface, 670 K and …
Cu 3p, Al 2p and O 1s XPS peaks of clean surface, 670 K and 850 K oxidation. In the present study, oxygen adsorption on the Cu-9 at%Al (111) surface under different temperatures was...
On the interpretation of X-ray photoelectron spectra of Pt-Cu ...
2021年1月1日 · First, we thoroughly examine the XPS Cu 3p spectra of pure copper surfaces of different oxidation states, namely Cu°, Cu +, and Cu 2+. Then, the obtained results are applied for the fitting of Pt 4f spectra of both metallic and oxidized Pt-Cu systems.
Copper Spectra – Cu metal - XPS Database
The XPS Spectra section provides raw and processed survey spectra, chemical state spectra, BE values, FWHM values, and overlays of key spectra. Atom% values from surveys are based on sample, as received, and Scofield cross-sections. Atom% values are corrected for IMFP and PE. Peak-fits are guides for practical, real-world applications.
铜 | Thermo Fisher Scientific - CN
主要采集 Cu2p 峰及 Cu LMM 峰。 与 Cu2p 峰相比,Cu LMM 峰观察到的化学位移更大。 仅采集 Cu2p 可能难以区分化学态。 长期暴露于 X 射线或离子轰击会使二价铜还原,Ar 离子团簇模式溅射或者尽量减少 X 射线暴露可避免这种效应。 根据 Cu2p 的卫星特征峰能区分铜的氧化态。 二价铜在 943 eV 处可观测到一组卫星特征峰。 氧化铜的 Cu2p3/2 峰有位移,其峰宽大于氧化亚铜峰。 对于氧化亚铜,仅在 945 eV 处观察到一个极弱的卫星峰。 氧化亚铜的 Cu2p3/2 峰未发生位 …
【求助】Cu XPS 中铜的价态区分 - 经验共享 - 分析测试百科网
XPS确实很难区分Cu (0)和Cu (I),用俄歇谱来区分是可以做到的。 如果lz需要,给个邮箱,我把Cu的XPS图谱发给你,可以按照图谱数据区分铜的零,一,二价
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Reference Pages
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS or ESCA) curve fitting procedures, reference materials and useful notes are listed here to provide a starting point for the consistent interpretation of XPS spectra. These reference pages contain tips and techniques that are designed to help both the novice and advanced XPS user.
Copper (Cu), Z=29, & Copper Compounds - The International XPS …
2022年6月16日 · Collect principal Cu (2p) peak as well as Cu (3p) and Cu (Auger). Long time exposures (high dose) to X-rays can degrade various polymers, catalysts, high oxidation state compounds
Pt-Cu双金属合金的X射线光电子能谱解释,Journal of Electron …
2021年1月1日 · 第一的,我们彻底检查了不同氧化态(即 Cu°、Cu+ 和 Cu2+)的纯铜表面的 XPS Cu 3p 光谱。 然后,将获得的结果应用于金属和氧化 Pt-Cu 系统的 Pt 4f 光谱的拟合。
Cu 3p/2 and Pt 4f XPS spectra of PtCu3 synthesized with Pt …
Download scientific diagram | Cu 3p/2 and Pt 4f XPS spectra of PtCu3 synthesized with Pt (acac)2 and CTAC from publication: Rapid and facile CuCl assistant synthesis of PtCu3 nanoframes as ...
| XPS spectra of (A) Cu2p doublet, (B) Cu3p and overlapping Al2p ...
If we start by looking at the Cu2p doublet region ( Figure 3A), we can see that while Cu 2 O sample shows a typical spectrum mainly due to Cu (I) with a small amount of Cu (II), which can be...