COVETOUSNESS中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
COVETOUSNESS | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
COVETOUSNESS definition: 1. a strong wish to have something, especially something that belongs to someone else: 2. a strong…. Learn more.
COVETOUS Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of COVETOUS is marked by inordinate desire for wealth or possessions or for another's possessions. How to use covetous in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Covetous.
covetousness - 百度百科
Excessive desire, especially for wealth; covetousness or avarice. 贪欲过度的渴望,尤指对财富的贪求;贪婪或贪欲。 I have heard thousands of confessions, but never one of covetousness. 我听过千万人认罪,但无一是为贪婪认罪。 They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. 他们态度恶劣,充满邪念,攀比,恶毒。
covetousness是什么意思_covetousness的翻译_音标_读音_用法_ …
Covetousness is the mother of ruin and mischief. 贪婪带来不幸,贪婪导致毁灭. Covetousness is always short - lived. 贪婪总是短暂无常的. Covetousness breaks the bag. 多盛东西,撑破袋子. Covetousness brings home nothing. 贪婪到头一场空. It placards all its wares before us and urges covetousness for those things. 商品张贴在我们面前,促使我们追求拥有.
covetous是什么意思_covetous的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸 …
贪婪之徒,与世无益,尤害自身. He raised his head, with a look of unrestrained greed in his covetous eyes. 他抬起头来, 一对贪婪的眼光露出馋涎欲滴的神情. The guy is covetous of power. 那家伙很贪权. They were opionative, peevish, covetous, porase, vain, talkative. 他们固执 、 暴躁 、 贪婪 、 乖僻 、 虚荣, 多嘴. He was casting covetous eyes at the company. 他对该公司垂涎三尺.
Covetousness - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘covetousness'. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the …
covetousness的意思、解释及翻译:1. a strong wish to have something, especially something that belongs to someone else: 2. a strong…。 了解更多。 词典
COVETOUSNESS 释义 | 柯林斯英语词典 - Collins Online Dictionary
The dictionary defines envy as a feeling of covetousness with regard to another's advantages, success, and possessions.
COVETOUSNESS Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
Jean-Jacques Rousseau denounced fashion as a threat to moral society — an incitement to desire and covetousness, writing that finery is a “stranger to virtue.” Covetousness definition: . …