If you use CottonGen please cite: Yu, J. et al (2021) CottonGen: The Community Database for Cotton Genomics, Genetics, and Breeding Research. Plants 2021, 10 (12), 2805
Data - Cottongen
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BLAST | Cottongen
BLAST Search Search for one or more of your sequences (using BLAST). First pick a query type (nucleotide or protein). You will be able to set search parameters on the next page. Choose …
Gossypium hirsutum - Cottongen
Gossypium hirsutumData
Gene | Cottongen
CottonGen has 328,856 genes and unigenes. These represent: 1,224 cotton Genes from NCBI (07/18/2014) 76,943 CDS from the G. hirsutum acc 'TM-1' BGI v1.0 genome project 70,478 …
JBrowse - Cottongen
Gossypium arboreum chloroplast Gossypium barbadense chloroplast Gossypium hirsutum chloroplast Gossypium raimondii chloroplast
ICGI Home - Cottongen
Welcome to the home of the International Cotton Genome Initiative (ICGI). ICGI is now housed within the CottonGen database for easier management, integration and utility. Mission To …
Gossypium hirsutum (AD1) 'TM-1' genome HAU_v1 / v1.1
Gossypium hirsutum (AD1) 'TM-1' genome HAU_v1 / v1.1
Gossypium arboreum - Cottongen
Gossypium arboreum | CottongenGossypium arboreum
Search Sequences - Cottongen
Any CottonGen Gene Database CottonGen NCBI Cotton Data Gossypioides kirkii genome ISU_v3 Gossypium anomalum (B1) genome HAU_v1 Gossypium anomalum (B1) genome …