COLLADA Overview - The Khronos Group Inc
COLLADA defines an XML-based schema to make it easy to transport 3D assets between applications - enabling diverse DCC and 3D processing tools be combined into a production pipeline.
COLLADA - COLLADA Public Wiki - The Khronos Group
2012年7月27日 · COLLADA defines an XML database schema that enables 3-D authoring applications to freely exchange digital assets without loss of information, enabling multiple software packages to be combined into extremely powerful tool chains.
Main page - COLLADA Public Wiki - The Khronos Group
2015年5月25日 · Download OpenCOLLADA Stream based SDK which includes the OpenCOLLADA Framework (Read/Write), Max and Maya exporter, DAE validator, and utilities such as standalone converters from collada to .3ds, .ma, .ogre.
COLLADA FAQ - COLLADA Public Wiki - The Khronos Group
2008年12月2日 · COLLADA allows 3D content to be created in any 3D package, exported to COLLADA format and edited with a variety of tools from different vendors. Once the content is finalized, it is usually processed into whatever format is most efficient for the game engine and hardware platform being used.
Getting started with COLLADA - COLLADA Public Wiki
2010年3月15日 · Here's some information to help if you are getting started with COLLADA. Read the COLLADA FAQ to get a good overview. If you want to know more about the goals, design fundamentals, and detailed information about the 1.4.x features, get a copy of the COLLADA book from AK Peters, or any other bookseller or library. Ignore anything prior to 1.4.x.
This document covers the initial design and specifications of the COLLADA schema, as well as a minimal set of requirements for COLLADA exporters. A short example of a COLLADA instance document is presented in “Appendix A”.
Profile: GLES Parent: efect extensions and conditioners, and more. Get your copy of COLLADA: Sailing the Gulf of 3d Digital Content Creation from you Declares platform-specific data types and techniques for the Cg language.
ISO SC4 TC184 已发布ISO/PAS 17506,让开发者可以创建工具来处理COLLADA 资源数字内容创建(DCC )应用、3D互动应用和工具链、模型工具和实时视觉应用的导入或导出。 更多信息,欢迎浏览:http://www.iso.org/iso/home/store/catalogue_ics/catalogue_detail_ics.htm? ics1=25&ics2=040&ics3=40&csnumber=59902。
ColladaDOM 3 - COLLADA Public Wiki - The Khronos Group
2020年11月17日 · The COLLADA Document Object Model (COLLADA DOM) is an application programming interface (API) that provides a C++ object representation of a COLLADA XML instance document.
Using accessors - COLLADA Public Wiki - The Khronos Group
2016年9月10日 · [ [Category: ]] This tutorial about using accessors provides examples of COLLADA <accessor>/<param> use with <source> element arrays.