Civ 5 Strategy for BNW and G&K - Carl's Guides
2013年7月31日 · My goal in writing this Guide is to help players new to Civ 5's turn-based strategy and those playing on lower difficulties to improve their game and get more enjoyment out of it. The Guide is broken down into sections based on game mechanics, so information you seek should be easy to find.
Civilization 5 Early-Game Guide for Beginners - Carl's Guides
This Guide will go over some of the basic principles of Civ 5's early-game, primarly the first 100 turns. This assumes you have Gods and Kings along with Brave New World, but may be helpful to players with none or only one of them, for some concepts carry over.
Civ 5 Tips & Helpful Info - Carl's Guides
This guide features a selection of tips for Civ 5 and its DLC, Gods and Kings and Brave New World. Civilization 5 can be very difficult to master, and for people not used to the turn-based strategy genre, very difficult even on the "normal", Prince difficulty.
Civ 5: Cultural Victory & Tourism for BNW and G&K - Carl's Guides
This Guide will teach you the basic concepts you need to know in order to win a game of Civ 5 with a Cultural victory, along with strategies you may use to boost the new Tourism stat and spread your Civilization's influence to other Nations around the world.
Civ 5 City Guide Part 1: Cities at the Empire Level - Carl's Guides
A Guide to Cities in Civilization 5. Includes information on almost all concepts tied to cities: what they produce, how they grow, how borders expand, allocation of Citizens, protecting your City during wartime, and more.
How to Win in Civ 5: Victory Conditions, Strategies and Tips
Civ 5's Victory Screen shows your progress toward winning the game. This Guide was written for gameplay features introduced in both the Brave New World and Gods and Kings DLC. Civilization 5 offers you five different ways to win the game, and these have changed a bit as the game's expansions have been released.
Civ 5: Civilizations and Leaders - Carl's Guides
This list of all 43 Civilizations and Leaders available in Civ 5, Gods and Kings, Brave New World and Steam DLC/Scenario Packs shows the bonuses you get when playing each Civ - from their Leader's Unique Ability (UA), to the Unique Units' Stats (UU), Unique Buildings (UB), and Terrain Improvements available to them.
Civ 5 War Guide: DoWs and Peace Treaties (G&K/BNW) - Carl's …
A multi-section Guide to War in Civ 5 Brave New World, this page focusing on Diplomatic Penalties and Combat Bonuses.
Civ 5 Poland Strategy: Bonuses, Ducal Stable, Winged Hussar
A Guide to the Polish Civilization in Civ 5, led by Casimir III. Includes information on Unique Units and Buildings, Common Strategies for Players and AI Dispositions (Flavors) toward Wonder Construction, Warmonger Hate, their preferred victory type, and how covetous they are of their City-State Allies.
Civ 5 Science Guide: Maximizing Research Output - Carl's Guides
2014年2月28日 · A guide to Civilization 5's Science system and how you can raise the rate that your Civ researches new Technologies. Learn tips to help you grow your Cities larger and place Cities in wise locations for huge growth.