CityQuiz.io is an online game that challenges you to name as many cities as possible in different regions of the world.
How many European cities can you name? - CityQuiz.io
See how many European cities you can name. Features an interactive map and statistics.
About | CityQuiz.io
Who created the cities quizzes? Hi, I'm Ian. I have a question about the site that was not answered here. You can email me at [email protected]. Please read the FAQs before emailing me. If you have a question about the max cities limit, or about adding a missing city, that question is already answered here.
How many North American cities can you name? - CityQuiz.io
See how many North American cities you can name. Features an interactive map and statistics.
Log in - CityQuiz.io
Log in Don't have an account? Register here. Forgot your password? Reset it here.
New data | CityQuiz.io
I welcome contributions from volunteers who want to improve the city data on the site. Please review these guidelines before compiling a new data set to maximize the chances of it being accepted.
Register | cityquiz.io
Username: Your username may contain letters, numbers, underscores, and dashes. Email (optional): You won't be able to reset a forgotten password without a valid email ...
Updates - CityQuiz.io
Updates Significant updates to the site's functionality, as well as to the cities database, are posted to this page. June 2024 Data update: Jordan – 900 new cities (thank you to tulsan) New quiz: China Data update: China – 20,000 new cities (thank you to nyghts) January 2024 Data update: Argentina – 4,000 new cities (thank you to Lib Ted) Data update: Russia – 100,000+ new cities ...
Missing cities | cityquiz.io
You missed 1 capital: New Delhi National Capital Territory, India (257,803)