CD20 - Wikipedia
CD20 is a transmembrane protein consisting of four hydrophobic transmembrane domains, one intracellular domain and two extracellular loops. There are three different forms of CD20 according to variable phosphorylation. CD20 is located on the cell surface as homo-dimeric and homo-tetrameric oligomers.
靶点常青树:CD20 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
目前以cd20为靶点的单抗主要分为三代: 第一代就是以强悍疗效而经久不衰的利妥昔及其类似药; 第二代则经过改良的人源化的cd20单抗,但由于其适应症的局限性和抗体结合亲和力的下降,并没有颠覆利妥昔的霸主地位;
CD20 Marker and Relevance to Lymphoma - Verywell Health
2022年4月19日 · Learn about the CD20 antigen, where it's found, and how it guides the treatment of lymphomas with monoclonal antibodies.
CD20 - 百度百科
快速了解CD20/CD22/CD38/CD80的生物学意义 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
B淋巴细胞 抗原CD20也称为B淋巴细胞表面抗原B1,白细胞表面抗原Leu-16,跨膜4结构域A成员1和MS4A1,是一种在所有B-细胞表面表达的活化糖基化磷蛋白细胞开始于pro B阶段(CD45R+,CD117+),浓度逐渐增加直至成熟。CD20在B细胞发育的所有阶段都表达,除了个 …
抗CD20单抗科普:从一代的利妥昔到三代的阿妥珠 - MedSci
2020年5月7日 · CD20(Cluster of Differentiation 20)是一种跨膜磷蛋白,位于B淋巴细胞表面。 B淋巴细胞是由骨髓内多能干细胞分化而成,其发育经过祖B细胞(Pro-B),前B细胞(Pre-B),不成熟B细胞(Immature B)以及成熟B细胞(Mature B) 几个阶段。 成熟B细胞被释放至淋巴组织,可继续分化为浆细胞(Plasma Cell)。 CD20作为B细胞的表面抗原,出现在前B细胞到成熟B细胞阶段,但是CD20并不表达在造血干细胞,祖B细胞以及成熟的浆细胞上。 在人体 …
The regulation and function of CD20: an “enigma” of B-cell …
Anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies act through several mechanisms, including complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC), complement-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (CDCC), antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis (ADCP), antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), and induction of direct apoptosis.
CD20 - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
CD20 is a membrane-embedded surface molecule that is involved in the development and differentiation of B-cells into plasma cells. It is expressed on B-cells throughout their differentiation process until they become plasma cells. CD20 is also found in certain types of B-cell lymphoid malignancies and other related conditions.
B淋巴细胞抗原CD20 - mabnus.cn
2025年2月17日 · cd20也是car-t细胞免疫疗法中一个关键的靶点,旨在减轻抗原逃逸风险。靶向cd19和cd20的策略包括双特异性/串联car,cd19和cd20导向的car-t细胞的联合施用,以及cd19和cd20导向的car-t细胞的序贯治疗。
Pathology Outlines - CD20
2021年9月20日 · CD20 is a common B cell marker also called L26, membrane spanning 4 domains (MS4A1).
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