COL4A1-Related Disorders - GeneReviews® - NCBI Bookshelf
2009年6月25日 · The spectrum of COL4A1-related disorders includes: small-vessel brain disease of varying severity including porencephaly, variably associated with eye defects (retinal arterial tortuosity, Axenfeld-Rieger anomaly, cataract) and systemic findings (kidney involvement, muscle cramps, cerebral aneurysms, Raynaud phenomenon, cardiac arrhythmia, and ...
COL4A1/A2-Related Disorders - Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
2025年3月5日 · COL4A1/A2-related disorders are caused by changes (variants) in the COL4A1 or COL4A2 genes. These genes are the blueprints for two proteins that wind together like a long rope inside cells. When these ‘ropes’ are secreted, …
COL4A1 Gene - GeneCards | CO4A1 Protein | CO4A1 Antibody
2024年12月24日 · COL4A1 (Collagen Type IV Alpha 1 Chain) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with COL4A1 include Retinal Arteries, Tortuosity Of and Brain Small Vessel Disease 1 With Or Without Ocular Anomalies .
Collagen, type IV, alpha 1 - Wikipedia
Collagen alpha-1(IV) chain (COL4A1) is a protein that in humans is encoded by the COL4A1 gene on chromosome 13. [5] [6] It is ubiquitously expressed in many tissues and cell types. [7] COL4A1 is a subunit of the type IV collagen and plays a role in angiogenesis. [8]
COL4A1 gene - MedlinePlus
The COL4A1 gene provides instructions for making one component of type IV collagen, which is a flexible protein important in the structure of many tissues throughout the body. Specifically, this gene makes the alpha1(IV) chain of type IV collagen.
IV型胶原蛋白 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
iv型胶原蛋白α1 (col4a1)基因在胃癌中过表达。 COL4A1的突变会导致成人和儿童脑出血。 COL4A1和COL4A2突变可导致脑血管疾病。
COL4A1 collagen type IV alpha 1 chain [ (human)] - National …
COL4A1 mutations have been identified in adult patients with cerebral small vessel diseases. COL4A1 mutations are associated with schizencephaly and hemolytic anemia; genetic testing for COL4A1 should be considered for children with these conditions.
COL4A1 -Related Disorders - PubMed
2016年7月7日 · Clinical characteristics: The spectrum of COL4A1-related disorders includes: small-vessel brain disease of varying severity including porencephaly, variably associated with eye defects (retinal arterial tortuosity, Axenfeld-Rieger anomaly, cataract) and systemic findings (kidney involvement, muscle cramps, cerebral aneurysms, Raynaud phenomenon ...
IV 型胶原α1 链(COL4A1)基因 | MCE - MCE-生物活性分子大师
IV 型胶原α1 链: 该基因编码 IV 型胶原蛋白 α 蛋白。 IV 型胶原蛋白是基底膜的组成部分。该基因与相反链上的旁系同源基因共享一个双向启动子。该蛋白质由氨基末端 7S 结构域、三螺旋形成胶原结构域和羧基末端非胶原结构域组成。它作为异源三聚体的一部分发挥作用,并与其他细胞外基 …
Ⅳ型胶原α1(COL4a1)重组蛋白 - 百家号
胶原ivα1(col4a1)是一种在人体中广泛表达的蛋白质,属于胶原家族中的一员。 COL4a1主要存在于基底膜中,是基底膜的一个重要组成部分。 基底膜是一种重要的细胞外基质,在细胞生长、迁移、分化以及信号传导等过程中发挥着重要作用。