CD8 - Wikipedia
CD8 (cluster of differentiation 8) is a transmembrane glycoprotein that serves as a co-receptor for the T-cell receptor (TCR). Along with the TCR, the CD8 co-receptor plays a role in T cell signaling and aiding with cytotoxic T cell-antigen interactions.. Like the TCR, CD8 binds to a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule, but is specific for the MHC class I protein. [1]
CD8 T-cell subsets: heterogeneity, functions, and therapeutic …
2023年11月1日 · CD8 T cells play crucial roles in immune surveillance and defense against infections and cancer. After encountering antigenic stimulation, naïve CD8 T cells differentiate and acquire effector ...
Cytotoxic T Cell Overview | Thermo Fisher Scientific - US
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) often called CD8 + T cells, are a critical component of the adaptive immune system and play an important role in immune defense against intracellular pathogens such as viruses and bacteria and against tumors [].Like helper CD4 + T cells (e.g., Th1, Th2, Th9, Th17, Th22, Tfh, and Treg), they are generated in the thymus and express the …
Cytotoxic CD8 + T cells in cancer and cancer immunotherapy
2020年9月15日 · The functions of, and interactions between, the innate and adaptive immune systems are vital for anticancer immunity. Cytotoxic T cells expressing cell-surface CD8 are the most powerful effectors ...
CD8 + T Cells: Foot Soldiers of the Immune System - PubMed …
Abstract. Resting naive CD8 + T cells have an astounding capacity to react to pathogens by massive expansion and differentiation into cytotoxic effector cells that migrate to all corners of the body to clear the infection. The initial interaction with antigen-presenting cells in the central lymphoid organs drives an orchestrated program of differentiation aimed at producing …
Cytokines and the Inception of CD8 T Cell Responses - PMC
Naïve CD8 T cells have the potential to differentiate into both short-lived effectors and memory precursors following activation. Short-lived effector cells are commonly defined as CD127 lo, KLRG-1 hi and express a panel of transcription factors, which promote effector activities but limit their proliferative capacity and survival. By contrast, memory precursors are typically CD127 …
CD8 + T cell differentiation and dysfunction in cancer - Nature
2021年7月12日 · CD8 + T cells have the ability to selectively detect and eradicate cancer cells. Tumours express antigens, which include tumour-specific (mutant and viral) neoantigens 1,2,3,4,5,6 and self ...
KLF2 maintains lineage fidelity and suppresses CD8 T cell …
CD8 T cells within a population responding to signs of disease can form several discrete states with distinct functional properties. Fagerberg et al. combined CRISPR/Cas9-gene editing with single-cell RNA sequencing to examine how the deletion of genes in mouse T cells affected the formation of these different states during immune responses.The transcription factor KLF2 was …
Role of antiviral CD8+ T cell immunity to SARS-CoV-2 infection …
2025年3月3日 · The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has taught important lessons about the central role of virus-specific CD8+ T cells in mediating antiviral immunity, both during natural infection and following vaccination. In contrast to antibodies, which primarily prevent viral entry, CD8+ T cells exert antiviral functions by recognizing viral peptides presented on infected cells, allowing …
CD8+ T cells in the Cancer Immunity Cycle - PMC
Abstract. CD8 + T cells are end effectors of cancer immunity. Most forms of effective cancer immunotherapy involve CD8 + T cell cytotoxic function. Here we review the current understanding of T cell function in cancer, focusing on key CD8 + T cell subtypes and states. We discuss factors that influence CD8 + T cell differentiation and function in cancer through a framework that …