Purchasing and Importing a BRDM2 - SteelSoldiers
2012年12月2日 · When buying BRDM 2 check out the engine, the wheels and axles - is his "sick" place))) As a rule BRDM 2 (after a long storage or conservation at the military warehouse) …
Buying a BRDM 2 | SteelSoldiers
2020年7月8日 · I'm looking for a site to buy a running BRDM 2 at a affordable price. I'm looking to get one for about 10k or under, I'm expecting the shipping to cost upwards of 6,000 - 7,500 $ …
BRDM-2 street legal. | SteelSoldiers
2022年9月18日 · How can I make the BRDM-2 that I’m planning on buying street legal, the vehicle is in good condition from pictures that I‘ve seen, and its being imported from the Czech …
Brdm 2 cost | SteelSoldiers
2019年5月6日 · Adequate price on BRDM-2 in Russia is about 1 million rubles = 13 000 $ (good shape, without HARD 'demilitarized' options (removed guns only), not 'digged' in engine and …
BRDM 2 Purchasing & Engine Conversion - SteelSoldiers
2020年5月24日 · What is the most reliable site I can get a BRDM 2? It doesn't have to be cosmetically good, I'm just looking for one that runs and function properly for as cheap as …
BRDM-2 Konkurs/Spandrel 9P148 - SteelSoldiers
2021年7月24日 · Recently purchased this from Todd down at Tank Town. Sorting through a couple of small things (stripped out tee for the rear brakes) but otherwise she's nearly ready …
BRDM-2 street legal. - SteelSoldiers
2023年2月3日 · How can I make the BRDM-2 that I’m planning on buying street legal, the vehicle is in good condition from pictures that I‘ve seen, and its being imported from the Czech …
Replacement engine for a brdm2 - SteelSoldiers
2013年4月24日 · Top candidates are the cummins 6bt and 4bt (so far). However, will they fit and offer good power/torque? Anyone have experience in this area? Also looking for a head …
Getting a BRDM street legal | SteelSoldiers
2014年3月19日 · The brdm is pleasant to drive even solo but it’s much better with an A-driver. Good visibility out the front and sides with the mirrors. Can fit 4 chaps inside too.
Secret for driving a BRDM-2? - SteelSoldiers
2019年12月18日 · Seems like ours is easy to get into first and harder to get into R but going from first to second is a bear. It starts quickly and it's a sweet vehicle, however. Any pointers? …