Blue Palm - Porter's Rare Heritage Turkeys - Neocities
Blue Palm The Blue Palm actually comes in two different slate color forms: Blue Palm, which is heterozygous for the dominant slate mutation, and a Self-Blue (aka Lavender), which is …
2021年4月10日 · If you want to learn more about turkey color genetics or the different varieties out there, check out Porter’s Rare Heritage Turkeys website, the FeatherSite, or the Turkey Color …
Murray McMurray Hatchery - Royal Palm Turkeys
The Royal Palm Turkey is a remarkably attractive bird, displaying some of the nicest colors of all turkey varieties — with bright white feathers banded with metallic black. This contrast is truly …
Pencilled Blue Palm - Porter's Rare Heritage Turkeys
The pencilled blue palm has a royal palm pattern with the added feature of unusual vertical swirly patterns running all throughout their feathers. They range from just blue and white to a …
royal palm x blue palm | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to …
2010年5月22日 · Birds that are b1b1cgcgngngDD are also called blue palms (See Porter's heritage turkeys website). If these breed with royal palms, all the offspring will have Dd, and …
Royal Palm Turkey - Breed Profile - Backyard Poultry
2024年4月30日 · The Royal Palm is the black and white turkey developed in the United States. It’s an ornamental variety of heritage turkey , which has found its place on the small farm. The …
Royal Palm Turkey - Heritage Breed Turkeys - Cackle Hatchery
Considered a rare breed of turkey, a heritage turkey and admitted into the American Standard of Perfection in 1977, the Royal Palm turkey is considered to be a little smaller than other …
Royal Palm Turkey - The Livestock Conservancy
The Royal Palm is a strikingly attractive and small-sized turkey variety. The first birds in America to have the Palm color pattern appeared in a mixed flock of Black, Bronze , Narragansett , and …
10 Heirloom Turkey Breeds - Farmhouse Guide
2023年10月31日 · Despite Royal Palms being as attractive as they are, the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy considers this breed extremely rare. Blue Slate Turkey. The Blue Slate …
Royal Palm Turkey | Hachery Dairy - Hatchery Farm Store
Royal Palm Turkey $ 15.31 – $ 45.59 Considered a rare breed of turkey, a heritage turkey and admitted into the American Standard of Perfection in 1977, the Royal Palm turkey is …