Changing the default prompt in blockly - Google Groups
2023年9月18日 · Hello I am making a blockly application but i am stuck in something, when i try to create a variable the prompt doesn't work since this is electron, so I was trying to override the default prompt I tried one code I found on stack overflow:" var prompt = require ('electron-prompt'); var renameVar = function (name) { return name; } Blockly ...
Blockly - Google Groups
Feel free to post questions about developing with Blockly, demos of things you've built, or make suggestions for features you'd like to see in the future. But if you've found a bug, please report it over on our GitHub issues so we can prioritize it appropriately.
Voice Coding in Blockly - Google Groups
2024年8月7日 · 5. Blockly Rendering: Finally, the JSON object is rendered in the Blockly environment as a block. I am keen to understand if this approach aligns with best practices or if there are any potential pitfalls or improvements that I should consider. Any guidance on optimizing this workflow or alternative suggestions would be highly valued.
Completed Java code generator for Blockly - Google Groups
2015年7月30日 · If the blockly code shows conflicting types (such as treating x as both a String and a Number as the unit test cases do) then the function declares the variable to be of type Var. Because of the need for types, we changed arguments_ in procedures.js to be an array of hash of 'name' and 'type' instead of just being an array.
how to add a click event in blockly's blocks? - Stack Overflow
2015年10月29日 · I am working on blockly, I am having a scenario that I am having a block which is having an Image, I want to click on that Image and fire an event. I am not sure how can I do that. I have tried blcokly's documentation but there is no such mention. they are only providing onchange event on whole block, while an Image will be only a part of that ...
Add icons to blocks just like the scratch blockly - Google Groups
2021年11月23日 · You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Blockly" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to [email protected].
Where is blockly_compressed.js? - Google Groups
2023年5月25日 · Probably some deep change in the way Blockly is supposed to be used/configured, so I should start from scratch assuming this is not a temporary bug on Blockly side. I think I should stick to 8.0.5 for now, there are too many breaking changes in 9.x.x and possible bugs that have not been resolved yet.
Blockly v11 is here! + Q2 Announcements - Google Groups
2024年5月21日 · The Blockly Summit will be in-person on June 4-5 at Google in MTV. This external summit is for Blockly developers, product managers, engineers, and CS curriculum designers who work with block-based programming tools.
How to customize the default sound of blockly? - Google Groups
2022年12月16日 · This tells Blockly where to look for assets like sounds (e.g. the placement sound effect) and images (e.g. the trashcan). So what you need to do is: A) Download all of the assets from Blockly's media folder.
javascript - Blockly: Update other inputDummy dropdown fields …
2021年4月22日 · I've been trying to make a custom block in the Blockly workspace that changes the options in drop-down fields based on the selection of a previous drop-down field in the same block. About the block:-There are three dropdown fields; All are populated dynamically using Blockly.Extensions; All codes are present below