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Bernard Guetta — Wikipédia
Bernard Guetta, né le 28 janvier 1951 à Boulogne-Billancourt, est un journaliste et homme politique français, spécialiste de géopolitique internationale et lauréat du prix Albert-Londres …
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Home Bernard GUETTA - European Parliament
One year after the murder of Alexei Navalny and the continued repression of the democratic opposition in Russia (debate) FRProfile page - Bernard GUETTA - Home
Le site de Bernard Guetta - Député européen
Ce site, je l’ai voulu multilingue pour dépasser les frontières qui parfois nous séparent encore. C’est en forgeant qu’on devient forgeron et j'espère bien sûr votre indulgence. Bien à vous, Bernard Guetta
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EU elections: Bernard Guetta, the Macron camp's left-wing …
2024年5月22日 · Former MEP Pascal Durand, Guetta's sidekick in the French Renew delegation in the EU parliament for four years before he left in 2022, was similarly disappointed by the …
Bernard Guetta MEP - ipac.global
Bernard Guetta is a member of European Parliament (RENEW Europe) working in the Foreign Affairs and Human Rights committees. For over 40 years he has covered geopolitics, …
Bernard Guetta - Aspen Institute Central Europe
is a member of European Parliament (RENEW Europe). For over 40 years he has covered geopolitics, European affairs and Russia as a correspondent, writer and columnist for the …
Interview | Bernard Guetta: We should make it more profitable for ...
2024年12月15日 · MEP Bernard Guetta is born in 1951, and had an illustrious career as a journalist. He began his professional career shortly after the events of May 1968 in Paris and …
GUETTA Bernard - Renew Europe
Country: France Party: Sans parti Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.bernard-guetta.eu