USS Michigan (BB-27) - Wikipedia
USS Michigan (BB-27), a South Carolina-class battleship, was the second ship of the United States Navy to be named in honor of the 26th state. She was the second member of her class, the first dreadnought battleships built for the US Navy. She was laid down in December 1906, launched in May 1908, and commissioned into the fleet 4 January 1910.
“忙碌海狸函数”-BB(1)到BB(5)的值是怎么计算的 - 知乎
“忙碌海狸”和BB (n):对某个自然数n,考虑所有n个状态数的海狸图灵机,状态用0到n-1的自然数标记。 取其中所有会停机的,在停机前运行步数最大的那台图灵机,称为“忙碌海狸”(Busy Beaver),该步数称为Busy Beaver函数,记作BB (n)。 有些文章中,把停机前输出最多1的那台机器称为“忙碌海狸”。 因为步数最大比较直观易理解,本文中把BB (n)定义为最大步数。 我把n-状态的可停机的海狸图灵机中,停机时能输出的最多1的那台称为“涂鸦海狸”,输出的1的数量记 …
哥德巴赫猜想有没有可能根本就是错的? - 知乎
已知27个状态的图灵机可以模拟验证哥德巴赫猜想,所以如果哥德巴赫猜想存在反例,最小的反例一定小于bb(27)。 这个相比起验证ZFC一致性的图灵机来说,规模要小得多,后者需要748个状态的图灵机才行。
用跑得最慢的电脑程序,理解最高深的哥德巴赫猜想 - 知乎
毕竟 bb(27) 就是27规则停机问题的最大步数了。如果在此之前就停机,自然说明猜想不成立。 困难在于,bb(27) 是如此大的一个数,写下来都很难,要运行那么多次去检验哥德巴赫猜想,这在我们的宇宙中是远不可能的。
Big Brother 27 (US) | Big Brother Wiki | Fandom
Big Brother 27 is the upcoming 27th season of the broadcasted edition of Big Brother (U.S.) and the 32nd season overall. First news of this season was announced by the show itself ahead of an official renewal announcement from CBS, with a casting …
海狸的这个数有葛立恒数大吗? - 知乎
BB748<BB748+1在PA中都可证,虽然BB748有多大本身不可证,但图灵机停机的定义至少证明了它是自然数。 接下来就好办了,既然是自然数,可以把它当成一个自由变元x,而x<x+1是公理 (x+1严格来说是Sx)。 其实,已经有 BB (8)或BB (16)>G64了,BB (748)就不多说了吧... 这个数是BB (748).以下的讨论我们都假设ZFC是一致的.为了方便,和传统定义有一点小区别我这里 …
2020年12月13日 · 如果计算bb(27)是可能的,这将为我们等待哥德巴赫猜想自动解决的时间提供一个上限。 这是因为BB(27)对应的是这个27条规则的图灵机为了停止而必须执行的最大步骤数。
USS Michigan - Wikipedia
USS Michigan (BB-27) was a South Carolina-class battleship that saw action against Mexico and escorted convoys during World War I. USS Michigan (SSGN-727) is an Ohio-class submarine, originally designated SSBN-727 as a ballistic missile submarine. She was converted into a guided missile submarine (SSGN) in 2006 and is currently in active service.
Battleship Photo Index BB-27 MICHIGAN - NavSource
Rush orders have been issued here for the powerful battleships Michigan (BB-27) and Idaho (BB-24), which are now at Philadelphia, to be prepared to sail at a moment's notice with full complements of men and extra stores.
Big Brother 27 – 2025 Season Returns This Summer
2025年2月10日 · Get ready for CBS with Big Brother 27 in 2025 this summer as the next season of our favorite Reality TV series takes over our screens and daily lives for its 27th spin. That’s incredible! Another summer of fun with host Julie Chen Moonves and another batch of Houseguests ahead on BB27!