Awk: check element in array and it's value - The UNIX and Linux …
2017年11月20日 · Can you search AWK array elements and return each index value for that element. For example an array named car would have index make and element engine. I want …
awk (Too many open files) - Shell Programming and Scripting
2018年1月19日 · Hi Team, This is my first post, hope I am doing it right. I have a large file, like 6 GB. Its a proxy file so vendor requested to change username from logs for saving the …
Error with awk - Shell Programming and Scripting - Unix Linux …
2013年7月11日 · i have been trying to run the following bash script, but get error: awk: cmd. line:1: - awk: cmd. line:1: ^ unexpected newline or end of string I have been trying to figure out …
awk, extract last line of multiple files - The UNIX and Linux Forums
2010年10月21日 · Hi, I'm using AWK to try to extract data from multiple files (*.txt). The script should look for a flag that occurs at a specific position in each file and it should return the data …
awk, comma as field separator and text inside double quotes as a …
2010年11月15日 · Hi, all I need to get fields in a line that are separated by commas, some of the fields are enclosed with double quotes, and they are supposed to be treated as a single field …
awk(1) [linux man page] - The UNIX and Linux Forums
The AWK language is useful for manipulation of data files, text retrieval and processing, and for prototyping and experimenting with algorithms. mawk is a new awk meaning it implements the …
awk - oneliner vs multiple line - The UNIX and Linux Forums
2013年1月18日 · Dear Awk Experts, I can write oneliner some time but find difficulty writing like a flow of a program in multiple lines, could you please help how to write awk program , like long …
awk - trim white space from a field / variable - Shell Programming …
2012年7月4日 · $ awk -F\| 'gsub(/^ */,"",$2){print $2}' input.txt England New Zealand Australia Some Made Up Country West Indies
Awk: Dealing with whitespace in associative array indicies
2015年5月1日 · This involved moving a lot of BASH code to AWK, eliminating utility calls (using only built-ins in the interest of speed, even if more complex ) and file interactions in any kind of …
Combine two awk commands - The UNIX and Linux Forums
2017年9月5日 · What is the correct syntax to pipe or run three awk commands? Basically, using the output of the first awk as input in the second. Then using the output of the second awk in …