"At hand" vs "on hand" vs "in hand" - English Language & Usage …
2012年1月17日 · OP doesn't mention to hand, which is actually more common than the others in British English (but seemingly quite rare for Americans). In practice few would choose at hand or on hand on the basis of how physically close/accessible something was - largely pointless anyway, since few others would apprehend any subtle distinction being made. Go ...
How to define & differentiate, "on hand", "to hand", "at hand"?
2021年4月1日 · ♦ The emergency services were on hand with medical advice. at hand a) near, close by b) near in time ♦ There are good cafes and a restaurant close at hand. ♦ Help was at hand. (OALD, 2005 paper ed.) Note: this expression is reinforced often by the adverb "close": "close at hand". to hand within reach, accessible
What is the difference between hand it over to and hand it to
2015年8月18日 · In particular, "hand it over to the police" more strongly conveys the idea of transferring control and / or ownership of a thing (a piece of evidence, a case file, a situation, etc.) out of necessity, while "hand it to the police" sounds like more of a casual statement, or even a non-binding recommendation.
Is there a non-medical name for the curve where index finger and …
I'm trying to write a short post about hand spinners, and one of the problems I have with a hand spinner is that it hits the curve between the index finger and thumb. I can't seem to find any good diagrams with terms for parts of the hand which aren't entirely populated by medical terms, so currently my options are "curve where index finger and ...
expressions - Do you hand something over or off? - English …
However, hand off implies an interaction between two people with a common goal. Also, handing off often means the other person is going to do something with the object. I handed off the papers to Roberta, and she got the report finished. In sports like American football and track, we don't hand over the ball or the baton, we hand it off:
Is there a common abbreviation for "with or without"? e.g. w/wo …
Yes, in the right context it should be pretty easy to deduce. Salad dressing recipes (or any recipes) for which the ingredients may include controversial items such as anchovies, or very spicy ingredients; will often have the potentially offensive ingredients listed as optional.
What’s a “handegg”? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2014年12月17日 · @BobJarvis-ReinstateMonica Actually, the syllables would be Hand - egg because it is most like a compound word (Hand + Ecke). This is corroborated by a nearby place's name, Gerstenegg, which you'd analyse as a compound of Gerste + Ecke (barley + corner). In Standard German, Handegg would therefore have a glottal stop between the syllables.
What is the hand gesture for shutting someone up?
2014年12月31日 · This is called the blah-blah gesture.. Blah-blah. The fingers are kept straight and together, held horizontal or upwards, while the thumb points downwards.
Should I say "there is a handful of..." or "there are a handful of ...
2012年2月21日 · Rimmer correctly identifies phrases like a handful of . . . and a pack of . . . as premodifying elements in a noun phrase, rather than as the subject of the clause and, for the same reason, Mustafa is right in saying that a number of . . . is followed by a plural verb.
"Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades"
Hence, "close" counts in horseshoes. Likewise a hand grenade that explodes in the vicinity of its target, rather than directly on it, can still inflict lethal damage—as can a nuclear bomb. Wikipedia's entry for horseshoes offers this account of the scoring system, although many people play informally by different house rules: