[FIXED] Sims age up/go back in age/days added/reduced - EA …
same issue. I have had to turn off aging to stop all sims aging up in a household at the same time. all my sims lifespan bars are full since the bug of the previous update. after losing quite a few sims to sudden death of sudden aging up I turned aging off altogether. after today's update i decided to see if it was truly fixed. it's not. as soon as i turned aging back on (yes i typically use ...
Safe Downloads & Malware Protection [AHQ Cybersecurity …
As passionate gamers, we're constantly seeking new ways to enhance our digital adventures. However, in our quest for the latest mods, game expansions, and exclusive content, we must remain vigilant against the ever-evolving threats of malware and unsafe downloads. In the ever-changing landscape of c...
How Do I? - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
A thread to ask questions on navigating AHQ. Thanks for starting this thread @simgirl1010 and thanks also to @Bluebellflora and @rosemow for links to follow for basic issues.
Personal Security & Online Privacy [AHQ Cybersecurity Awareness …
2024年10月1日 · As dedicated gamers, we pour countless hours into our favorite titles, building up characters, unlocking new abilities, and connecting with fellow players. But all that hard work can vanish in an instant if our accounts fall victim to cybercriminals. That's why account security is of the utmost impo...
The Sims AHQ December Highlights and Recap! - Answer HQ - EA …
Sul sul, Welcome all to the first Sims Highlights of 2024! Today we'll be time traveling all the way back to 2023 and recapping the final updates, news and releases for the month of December. First and foremost I want to thank all of you who participated in our …
Welcome to the Sims 3 section of AHQ - Answer HQ - EA Answers …
Welcome to all Sims 3 holdouts, 3-curious simmers, players who love all their Sims games, and anyone else who wants to chat about the premier game of the Sims franchise. The Sims 3 section now has several subforums to encompass all types of discussions. For an overview of how to use Answers HQ, p...
The Sims AHQ March Highlights and Recap! - Answer HQ - EA …
2024年4月3日 · Sul Sul! EA_Cade here to start us off again before I hand over the reins to EA_Solaire. Welcome all to the Answers HQ Monthly Recap and Highlights :) We kicked off the month with an awesim free stuff pack, an exciting Play in Color campaign, announced a shell challenge in the official Discord th...
[AHQ] What are the Ranks & How Do I Become a Champion or …
You can earn AHQ badges and climb ranks as you spend time participating in the community, even gain special community ranks along the way. In this guide you'll learn about forum ranks, how to earn new privileges, and levelling up!
How to become a AHQ HERO and what AHQ HERO mean... - EA …
They are typically still new to AHQ and have a thing or two to learn. Becoming a Champion is the first step to becoming a Hero. Users that have proven to be among the most helpful on AHQ will earn the Champion rank to recognize their efforts. The rank is displayed under their username to showcase that they are a trusted helping hand.
How to post at AHQ - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Every community has its rules. You can find the AHQ user rules and guidelines here . Please, check them before participating in the community. Thank you! More information . You can find more Information about AHQ on this Page AHQ FAQ Page or the AHQ Forum. If you plan to help out as well, you are welcome to visit the Academy for tips and tricks.