ADHEAR Bone Conduction System - MED-EL
ADHEAR is designed for people with conductive hearing loss—meaning the outer or middle ear is damaged. It gently vibrates the bone behind your ear, sending sound directly to your inner ear to provide natural sound quality.
ADHEAR offers great bone conduction hearing and is convenient, discrete, and completely pressure-free—all without requiring surgery. Users of all ages can just stick it on and hear.
Adhear - definition of adhear by The Free Dictionary
To stick fast to something; stay attached: Glue makes the wallpaper adhere to the wall. 2. To remain devoted to or be in support of something: adhered to her beliefs. 3. To carry out a plan, scheme, or operation without deviation: We will adhere to …
ADHEAR is a revolutionary bone conduction system which fills an unmet need in the field of non-surgical bone conduction hearing solutions. With its unique concept, ADHEAR provides a viable solution for people suffering from conductive hearing loss or single-sided deafness, offering them a life full of sound.
Frequently Asked Questions | ADHEAR - MED-EL
ADHEAR is a non-surgical device that uses bone conduction to help users hear. It is for users with conductive hearing loss. A cochlear implant, however, is surgically implanted and uses …
Sistema de Conducción Ósea ADHEAR - MED-EL
ADHEAR es un revolucionario sistema de conducción ósea que ayuda a las personas con hipoacusia conductiva o hipoacusia profunda unilateral a oír sin cirugía. Es tan sencillo como: Pegar. Unir. Oír.
ADHEAR Adhesive Adapter System for Conductive Hearing Loss Cleared …
2018年5月2日 · Described as the “next generation of non-surgical bone conduction hearing technology,” ADHEAR consists of a patented adhesive adapter (tan-colored in the above photo) that is placed onto the skin behind the ear and is worn for 3 to 7 days at a time.
ADHEAR System by MED-EL: An Overview of the Research and …
2019年10月21日 · ADHEAR is the world's first adhesive bone conduction system. MED-EL recognized a clear need for a better non-surgical system and defined the use requirements for a meaningful new option.
ADHEAR—A Revolution in Hearing Technology - The MED-EL Blog
2018年3月14日 · ADHEAR is a brand new device for people with conductive hearing loss, and the first ever that is simply stuck on. Similar to a hearing aid, ADHEAR is not implanted, and so no …
ADHEAR - medeljapan-direct.com
骨の振動から伝わる音をききとる聴力 (骨導聴力)を活用するADHEARは耳の後ろにある骨に直接振動を伝え、外耳や中耳を経由せずに直接内耳に音をとどけます。 装着感とシンプルな操作性にこだわり、様々な年代とライフスタイルにとけ込むデザインが骨導補聴器の新たな使い方を提案します。 ADHEARは貼ってきく骨伝導システム。 取り付けるだけのシンプルな使用方法で …