Tribal Cultural Resources (AB 52) - Office of Land Use and …
AB 52 requires public agencies to consult with tribes during the CEQA process. The following resources provide more information on how to conduct a tribal consultation in compliance with …
2014年9月25日 · Existing law, the Native American Historic Resource Protection Act, establishes a misdemeanor for unlawfully and maliciously excavating upon, removing, destroying, injuring, …
2020年2月24日 · It summarizes the reasons for the legislative changes and explains the substantive and procedural requirements that went into effect on July 1, 2015. Finally, it …
AB 52 Tribal Consultation Procedural Requirements – Compared to SB 18’s • How does consultation end? • SB 18 and AB 52: Consultation is concluded when: • Parties reach mutual …
AB 52 – CEQA Tribal Consultation - California
AB 52 requires public agencies to consult with California Native American tribes that are traditionally and culturally affiliated with the geographic area of a proposed project that is …
Bill Text: CA AB52 | 2025-2026 | Regular Session | Introduced
AB 52, as introduced, Aguiar-Curry. Native American Heritage Commission: powers and duties. Existing law establishes the Native American Heritage Commission and vests the commission …
AB52 | California 2025-2026 | Native American resources. | TrackBill
2025年3月10日 · California AB52 2025-2026 AB 52 as amended AguiarCurry Native American resources 1 Existing law finds and declares it to be the public policy and in the public interest …
AB 52 Sample Letters – California Native American Heritage …
AB 52 requires public agencies to consult with California Native American tribes that are traditionally and culturally affiliated with the geographic area of a proposed project that is …
2022年2月23日 · AB 52: A tribe that is traditionally and culturally affiliated to the geographic area where a project is located and requested that the lead agency in question provide, in writing, …
AB 52 Assembly Bill – AMENDED
2013年3月19日 · AB 52, as amended, Gatto. Native Americans: California Environmental Quality Act. Existing law, the Native American Historic Resource Protection Act, establishes a …