9S15M - Radartutorial
9S15M Obzor-3 (Cyrillic: «Обзор-3», NATO reporting designation: “Bill Board”) is operating in the S-band (IEEE designation) or in the F-band (NATO designation) fully coherent 3D air surveillance and target acquisition radar for the S-300V (NATO reporting designation “SA-12”) surface-to …
Search and Acquisition Radars (S-Band, X-band) - Air Power Australia
The fully mobile 9S15/9S15M Obzor 3 / Bill Board acquisition radar is a mechanically rotated 3D radar system, with electronic beam steering in elevation and an IFF array. It provides long range early warning of aerial threats and low end TBMs such as the Scud A and Lance for the S-300V/VM / SA-12/23 Giant/Gladiator SAM systems.
2021年12月23日 · 9s15系列采集雷达则是一种机械旋转 3d 雷达系统,提供空中威胁和低一级的tbm(战术导弹)例如如飞毛腿等的远程预警。 可以在240公里外以50%的几率检测到战斗机大小的目标,在150千米距离可以检测到飞毛腿等导弹目标,该系统能跟踪多达200个目标各类型目标。
S-300/400系列简单介绍 - 哔哩哔哩
9S15雷达能够发现240米内的飞机,对MGM-52的探测距离为115千米。 9S32引导站则可以引导12枚导弹拦截6个目标。 S-300V1使用9M83导弹,采用二级固体燃料和升力锥布局,杀伤远界为72千米,对MGM-52(其当时的主要目标)杀伤概率为0.5-0.65,对歼击机目标杀伤概率为0.7-0.9。 S-300V1的性能对于1980年中期而言相当优秀,9M83对气动目标的杀伤距离与S-300PT-1/PS的5V55R基本相当,但对150千米以上射程的SRBM以及SRAM的杀伤效能使人无法接 …
9S15 Site Safety Hanging Sign with "Closed for Cleaning" …
Sign and pole combination blocks doorway. Torsion action to secure pole. Durable materials for long product life. Soft, pliable sign for ease of use and storage. Available in multi-lingual warning messages. Rubbermaid Safety Products - Site Safety Hanging Sign. These safety products are made from durable materials for long product life.
s-300v使用了9s15和9s19组成的双雷达预警体系,以提高在强电磁干扰环境下的探测能力和对高速弹道导弹的跟踪能力。 9S15雷达最大作用距离320公里,可同时探测200个目标,方位角与俯仰角都为0.5°。
[CW新闻] 9S15M雷达 - 哔哩哔哩
9S15M“Obzor-3”全向搜索雷达是S-300V防空系统获取空情信息的主要来源。 它是一种移动式三坐标相干脉冲雷达,波长在厘米范围内,旨在探测弹道和空气动力目标,并确定其类型和国籍。 …
【坦克型号盘点系列】T-80底盘的其他衍生车辆 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年12月12日 · 9S15全向监视雷达可为指挥车提供远程预警和至多200个目标数据,探测距离10~250km。 9S19扇区扫描雷达专门针对反导任务,探测距离20~175km,最多可同时跟踪16个目标、识别6个干扰源。
Radar (Bill Board A [9S15 Obzor]) - cmano-db.com
OVERVIEW: The 9S15 Obzor radar (NATO name: BILL BOARD A) is a mobile, high-capacity 3-D target acquisition radar operating in the F Band. DETAILS: The BILL BOARD is intended to provide long range early warning of aerial threats and low end TBMs for the S-300V (NATO name SA-12a GLADIATOR/SA-12b GIANT) SAM systems.