BRDM-2 - Wikipedia
Syria received hundreds of BRDM-2, as well as specialized variants, BRDM-2 RKh (radiological-chemical recce), 9P122, 9P148 (both anti-tank missile carriers) and 9K31 Strela-1 (SAM version). BRDM-2 and 9P122s saw widespread service against Israel during the 1973 Kippur War. Israel managed to capture enough of them to use them with its own forces.
9p122/9P133 Malyutka (1971) - tank-afv.com
The 9P122 "Malyutka" ATGM (Anti-Tank Gun Missile) launcher vehicle was not the first version dedicated to anti-tank defence of the Soviet Army, but it improved on the BRDM-1 tank hunters (2P27 (2K16 launcher, 3M6 "Shmel" (AT-1 Snapper)), 2P32 (9M11 "Falanga" (AT-2 …
BRDM-2 – Wikipedia
Der BRDM-2 ist ein voll amphibischer, militärischer Spähpanzer mit Allradantrieb, dessen Panzerung dafür ausgelegt ist, 7,62-mm-Munition zu widerstehen. Der BRDM-2 wurde ab 1966 in der UdSSR gebaut. In der Nationalen Volksarmee der DDR wurde der Radpanzer als Schützenpanzerwagen 40P2, kurz SPW-40P2 eingesetzt.
9П122 - 阅兵百科
9П122 [1] 是 苏联 基于 БРДМ-2 装甲车底盘,结合 9К14М 反坦克导弹系统设计的装甲侦察车,于1969年进入部队服役。 该装备的主要用途是打击500—3000米范围内的敌方装甲目标,反坦克导弹发射架一次性可装载六枚9М14М反坦克导弹。 1968年, 科洛姆纳机械工程设计局 在完成对 9К14 反坦克导弹系统的现代化改进后,专门对改进后的9K14M设计了一款新式装甲车——9П122。 1969年, 萨拉托夫装配厂 开始批量生产9П122反坦克装甲侦察车,生产任务一直持续到1971 …
9P122 | Weaponsystems.net
The 9P122 is the first tank destroyer to be based on the chassis of the BRDM-2 reconnaissance vehicle. Read more about BRDM-2 9P133
BRDM-2 - Wikipedia
トルクメニスタン - 2024年時点で、 トルクメニスタン陸軍 が200両のBRDM-2、8両の9P122、8両の9P133、2両の9P148を保有 [8]。 ウズベキスタン - 2023年時点で、 ウズベキスタン陸軍 が13両のBRDM-2を保有 [9]。 非武装地帯 のシーンに登場。
苏联反坦克导弹编号索引 - 百度贴吧
2025年1月8日 · 有个MTLB底盘的9p140上面扛的是9p149?
BRDM-2 / (BTR-40P-2) Armored Vehicles - Federation of …
BRDM-2rkh radiological-chemical reconnaissance vehicle is fitted with dispensers for emplacing warning flags around contaminated areas. It is found in the regimental chemical defense company and at the division level in the chemical defense battalion as well as in …
WarWheels.Net-BRDM-2 ATGM (9P122) Scout Car Index
Decals; Includes Markings for the BRDM-2, BRDM-2 Sagger (9P122), BTR-70 with ZU-23-2 gun & UAZ-469 with Recoilless Rifle. "Tanks & AFVs in Cuba # 2" (35-C1338) Star-Decals
BRDM-2 | Military Wiki | Fandom
During one of these conflicts Israel managed to capture a number of BRDM-2 armoured cars and vehicles based on it (like BRDM-2UM command vehicle and 9P122 "Malyutka" tank destroyer). The BRDM-2 has also seen service with Iraqi Army …