Anti-aircraft missile 9M342 - Missilery.info
Anti-aircraft missile 9M342 is designed to engage jets, turboprop and propeller aircraft, helicopters, as well as small targets such as unmanned aerial vehicles and cruise missiles on counter and overtaking courses in the conditions of natural (background) and artificial interference in the visual visibility of the target.
印度收到了来自俄罗斯的第一批 SA24 便携式防空系统
2024年4月10日 · 多功能 9M342 导弹是该系统的一部分,可以安装在带有 Strelets (9S846) 设备的各种平台上,提供高效和增加的射程,特别是针对巡航导弹等较小目标。 该系统已被巴西、伊拉克、利比亚、俄罗斯和委内瑞拉等多个国家使用,其高爆破片弹头重2.5公斤,飞行速度为570 m ...
2024年7月22日 · 9m342“针式-s”导弹的射程为0.5至6千米,射程为5至3500米,而9m120-1“攻击”导弹可击中距离1至6千米、高度0至2千米的目标,升级后的综合体配备了 ...
Unveiling the 9M342 Igla-S: A Comprehensive Guide
2024年5月26日 · The 9M342 Igla-S missile system boasts exceptional mobility and deployment capabilities, allowing swift and precise positioning for air defense operations. Its portable design enables rapid transportation to various combat zones, ensuring quick response times in dynamic battlefield scenarios.
SA-24 Grinch 9K338 Igla-S - Army Recognition
2024年7月27日 · The Igla-S (SA-24 Grinch) system comprises: - Combat equipment including the 9M342 missile and the 9P522 launching mechanism - Maintenance equipment, including the 9V866-2 mobile test station and the 9F719-2 test set - Training facilities - Night firing devices
2020年6月16日 · 该机还能装备9M342“Igla-S”空空导弹(原9M39“针-V”防空导弹),用于有限对空作战。 除此以外,俄罗斯飞机对非制导武器也青睐有加,米-28N可以挂载四具B-13L1(五联装,122mm)或B-8V-20A(20联装,80mm)火箭发射巢,燃烧弹药箱、GUV或UPK-23-250机炮吊 …
SA-24 Grinch (9M342 Igla-S) Missile - CAT-UXO
This is the Russian SA-24 Grinch the NATO reporting name for the 9K338 Igla-S, a further development of the Igla (Needle) family of Man-Portable-Air-Defence-System (MANPADS), …
9K338 9M342 Igla-S / SA-24 Grinch - GlobalSecurity.org
Serial production of the "Igla-S" ("Needle-S") portable antiaircraft missile complex (PAAMC) is conducted at the Degtyarev factory in the city of Kovrov. This newest PAAMC was awarded the State...
Munition, missile, 9M342 | Fenix Insight
The 9M342 (9М342) is a Russian anti-aircraft missile that is part of the 9K338 (9К338) Igla-S (Игла-С) man-portable air defence system (MANPADS). The 9K338 Igla-S system is known to the West by its US DoD (DIA) designation of SA-24 and its NATO reporting name of 'Grinch'.
SA-N-24 Grinch [9M342] (2005, 9K338 Igla-S, Anti-SSM Capable)
SA-N-24 Grinch [9M342] - (2005, 9K338 Igla-S, Anti-SSM Capable) Guided Weapon Air Max: 5.6 km.