9M337 Sosna-R - Wikipedia
The 9M337 Sosna-R (SA-X-25) [1] [2] is a Russian radar and laser-guided supersonic (Mach 2.6) two-stage missile. It is used in Sosna-R short range air defense missile system designed to protect military units from air attacks in all types of combat situations, including during march.
2019年6月24日 · “松树”短程防空导弹系统配备12枚9M337 (SA-24)超音速激光驾束制导防空导弹,可对付固定翼飞机和直升机,以及精确制导炸弹和巡航导弹。 9M337导弹发射重量42千克,长度2.2米,采用两级设计,第一级固体火箭助推发动机直径130毫米,第二级直径71毫米,最大飞行速度1200米/秒(3.61马赫),导弹最大射高3500米,最低射高仅有2米,有效射程1.3至8公里。 战斗部由两个总重7千克的两级的破片杀伤战斗部和穿甲战斗部组成,可以目标内部引爆,或近炸 …
2020年3月23日 · 整个系统上左右两边分别有4枚一共8枚9M337导弹,这型导弹的作战高度为15-4000 m,在导弹启动1秒之内会达到1200 m / s的最大速度,并以最大拦截速度910 m / s对最大900 m /秒的目标进行拦截。
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network
2024年10月25日 · The SOSNA-R 9M337 hyper-velocity beam rider missile is a two-stage missile designed for interception of fired wing aircraft and helicopters, as well as guided weapons and cruise missiles.
2021年8月30日 · 该车采用安装在发射筒内的9M340近程防空导弹,该导弹可以视作是小型化的铠甲防空导弹,采用两级设计,其导弹带包装筒长2.4米,重量42千克,弹重30.6千克,长2.32米,第一级固体火箭助推发动机直径0.132米,其尾翼为折叠矩形,第二级拦截弹直径0.072米,采用鸭式气动布局,前部有四片X型布局的后掠鸭翼,后部则是4片较大面积的梯形弹翼,安装有7千克战斗部,可选择破片杀伤或穿甲战斗部,采用激光近炸和触发引信,最大机动过载达40G,再装填 …
9M337 Sosna-R - Wikiwand
The 9M337 Sosna-R (Pine) (SA-X-25) is a Russian radar and laser-guided supersonic (Mach 2.6) two-stage missile. It is used in Sosna-R short range air defense missile system designed to protect military units from air attacks in all types of combat situations, including during march. Quick Facts Type, Place of origin ...
激光驾束、模块化……也许能取代“箭-10”?俄“松树”近程防空系统 …
所以“松树”的综合光电头就是“佩剑”那个头,旁边的六发筒装导弹就是9M337或9М340Э,只是它取消了“佩剑”上的两门AO-18转管炮,是纯导弹防空武器系统。 “松树”系统配套的9М340Э导弹,仍是俄国人青睐的二踢脚——助推段+滑翔二级,采用激光驾束制导。 除了装在MTLB底盘上,“松树”还装在BTR-82A轮式装甲输送车底盘以及BMP-3步兵战车底盘上,还说准备装在空降兵的BMD-4M底盘上。 “松树”近程防空系统在2018年之后频繁亮相于俄各种防务装备展,按照俄媒信息,俄军 …
防空导弹系统“松树”。 信息图表
2017年11月3日 · SAM 9M337“索斯纳” - 俄罗斯防空导弹 导弹 一种短程综合体,旨在保护军事单位在所有类型的战斗中(包括行军期间)免受空袭。
9M337 Sosna-R | Military Wiki | Fandom
The 9M337 Sosna-R (Pine) (SA-X-25) [1] [2] is a Russian radar and laser-guided supersonic (Mach 4) two-stage missile. It is used in Sosna-R short range air defense missile system designed to protect military units from air attacks in all types of combat situations, including during march, that was developed by KB Tochmash as a successor to 9K35 ...
Sosna - Army Recognition
The SOSNA-R 9M337 (SA-24) hyper-velocity beam rider missile is a two-stage missile designed for interception of fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters, as well as guided weapons and cruise missiles. It has a combined impact/proximity laser fuse. Its payload is made up of two warheads weighing a total of 7 kg.