§ 64.2-408. Presumption of formal execution of wills made by …
Table of Contents » Title 64.2. Wills, Trusts, and Fiduciaries » Subtitle II. Wills and Decedents' Estates » Chapter 4. Wills » Article 1. Requisites and Execution » § 64.2-408. Presumption of formal execution of wills made by persons in military service; will of personal estate of persons in military service and seamen. Section ; Print; PDF
§ 64.2-2018. Taking of bond by clerk of court - Virginia Law
§ 64.2-2018. Taking of bond by clerk of court. Whenever this title provides for the appointment of a fiduciary by a circuit court, the clerk of the court also shall have the authority to take the required bond, set the penalty thereof, and pass upon the sufficiency of the surety thereon.
§ 64.2-410. Revocation of wills generally - Virginia Law
§ 64.2-410. Revocation of wills generally. A. If a testator with the intent to revoke a will or codicil, or some person at his direction and in his presence, cuts, tears, burns, obliterates, cancels, or destroys a will or codicil, or the signature thereto, or some provision thereof, such will, codicil, or provision thereof is void and of no ...
§ 64.2-2000.1. Identifying information; separate confidential …
Such information shall be contained in a separate confidential addendum filed by (i) a guardian ad litem appointed pursuant to § 64.2-2003, (ii) an attorney, or (iii) a party. Such separate confidential addendum shall be used to distribute the information only as required by law.
§ 64.2-123. Disclosure of content of electronic communications of …
Table of Contents » Title 64.2. Wills, Trusts, and Fiduciaries » Subtitle I. General Provisions » Chapter 1. Definitions and General Provisions » Article 3.1. Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act » § 64.2-123. Disclosure of content of electronic communications of principal. Section ; Print; PDF; email
Code of Virginia - Title 64.2. Wills, Trusts, and Fiduciaries
Uniform Simultaneous Death Act (§§ 64.2-2200 through 64.2-2208) Chapter 23 Persons Presumed Dead (§§ 64.2-2300 through 64.2-2309) Chapter 24 Conservators of Property of Absentees (§§ 64.2-2400 through 64.2-2404) Chapter 25 Acts Barring Property Rights (§§ 64.2-2500 through 64.2-2511) Chapter 26
§ 64.2-1616. Agent's resignation; notice - Virginia Law
§ 64.2-1616. Agent's resignation; notice. Unless the power of attorney provides a different method for an agent's resignation, an agent may resign by giving notice to the principal and, if the principal is incapacitated: 1. To the conservator or guardian, if one has been appointed for the principal, and a coagent or successor agent; 2.
§ 64.2-1621. Remedies under other law - Virginia Law
§ 64.2-1621. Remedies under other law. The remedies under this chapter are not exclusive and do not abrogate any right, remedy, or penalty, including a court-supervised accounting or criminal prosecution, under the laws of the Commonwealth other than this chapter. 2010, cc. 455, 632, § 26-94; 2012, c. 614; 2022, cc. 397, 654.
§ 64.2-607. Transfer of evidences of indebtedness, securities, and ...
Transfers without Qualification » Article 2. Payments, Settlements, or Administration without Appointment of Representative » § 64.2-607. Transfer of evidences of indebtedness, securities, and stock held in decedents' estates
§ 64.2-101. Construction of generic terms - Virginia Law
Code of Virginia Title 64.2. Wills, Trusts, and Fiduciaries Chapter 1. Definitions and General Provisions