5VZ-FE (3.4L) Lifespan - TTORA Forum
2007年4月3日 · The 2.4/2.7L Toyota engines are known for their extreme longevity, and there are even some reports on here of 3.0L V6's pushing over 250k. After hitting 150k today in my …
Camshaft options for 3.4L 5VZFE? - TTORA Forum
2008年1月10日 · The two regrinds I had in other cars were both with welded on material. I'll be happy to get in touch with Sea2Sky and ask more questions, because from the looks of things, …
5VZ-FE Load Hesitation, Stutter, Sputter | TTORA Forum
2014年10月6日 · 5VZ-FE Load Hesitation, Stutter, Sputter *SOLVED* I've been chasing this engine stutter for about 1 week now. When parked if I rev the engine with more than 1/2 …
Torque Spec for 5VZ-FE Head Bolts with MLS Gaskets??
2014年6月5日 · 2002 Xtra Cab 3.4L Auto TRD SR5-TRD Supercharger-TRD 7th Injector-TRD Headers-Catless Straight Pipe w/ TRD Catback- URD O2 Sim-Front 4" ProComp w/ OME …
5vz-fe high idle and rpm pulsating. - TTORA Forum
2014年1月18日 · forgot to mention, ecu is sending both open, and shut signals to iac at same time. plug is 3 prong, according to fsm, its -/+/-, or open ground, neutral positive, closed …
customer project: 85 3.4l 5vz-fe swap | TTORA Forum
2007年8月13日 · as the prevelence of older toyotas with swapped 3.4l v-6's increases, we decided to post a step by step build on one we are doing here in the shop. we have done …
Ignition Timing 5VZFE - Causing High Idle? - TTORA Forum
2013年7月4日 · Ignition Timing 5VZFE - Causing High Idle? Jump to Latest 8.2K views 9 replies 4 participants last post by NorcalPR Jul 9, 2013
fuel injector set for Supercharged 5vz-fe | TTORA Forum
2008年10月30日 · Looking for a good set of either Bosch 318 cc injectors or (preferred) Supra injectors part number 23250-70080.
Supercharged 5VZ-FE questions... Recommended spark plugs...
2009年7月1日 · what's the proper gap for spark plugs for the 3.4l V6 5vzfe? thanks . 1999 3.4l V6 SR5 Tacoma 4x4
Dual Pronged Sparkplugs in 5VZFE | TTORA Forum
2017年12月19日 · I know you're supposed to use the dual pronged spark-plugs in the 5VZFE motor but I'm just curious if anyone has ever had a problem not using them here? I just bought …