5 of the strangest machines ever made
- 1. Antikythera mechanism One of the most unexplained machines of antiquity is the so-called “Antikythera mechanism,” discovered in 1901 in the wreckage of a Roman cargo ship by sponge divers near the island of Antikythera. ...
- 2. Tsar Tank ...
- 3. Tesla’s Earthquake Machine ...
- 4. Dynasphere ...
- 5. Ornihopter ...
了解详细信息:5 of the strangest machines ever made
- 1. Antikythera mechanism One of the most unexplained machines of antiquity is the so-called “Antikythera mechanism,” discovered in 1901 in the wreckage of a Roman cargo ship by sponge divers near the island of Antikythera. ...
- 2. Tsar Tank ...
- 3. Tesla’s Earthquake Machine ...
- 4. Dynasphere ...
- 5. Ornihopter ...
interestingengineering.com/lists/strangest-wackies…Some of humanity's most unexpected and inexplicable machines explored, from designs by made by ancient Greeks to Leonardo da Vinci and beyond.
interestingengineering.com/lists/strangest-wackies…They range from boxes that do nothing more than flick a switch back the other way, or even a robot that rolls forward a few inches before coming to a halt for the dumbest reason possible. Continue reading to see the five most useless machines ever invented.
www.techeblog.com/top-5-most-useless-machines …Here is TIME’s list of the 25 outright-weirdest gadgets of all time, from flying cars to wrist-mounted computers. This list was assembled, ranked and debated (at length) by TIME’s business...
time.com/4387701/weirdest-gadgets-ever/These great inventions are planes, smartphones, social media, virtual reality, and many other things. Yet, we still create some weird things. An invention that seems bizarre doesn’t mean that it is totally useless; somehow, it opens a door or standards for future inventions. Bygonely has compiled a list of some weird inventions from the past.
www.bygonely.com/bizarre-inventions-from-past/展开5 of the strangest machines ever made - Interesting Engineering
Some of humanity's most unexpected and inexplicable machines explored, from designs by made by ancient Greeks to Leonardo da Vinci and beyond.
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Top 5 Most Useless Machines Ever Invented - TechEBlog
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The 25 Weirdest Gadgets of All Time
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- Remote Watch/Calculator Watch. Is there any single gadget more closely …
- Avegant Glyph. Never has the expression “glued to the TV” been as accurate …
- Nabaztag. Launched in 2005, Nabaztag, the world’s first Wi-Fi-enabled …
- Namco NeGcon gamepad. The graveyard of failed game input devices is …
- Nintendo Super Scope. Just what every kid wanted in 1992: a portable …
50+ Of The Most Bizarre Inventions From The Past That You
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- Anti-Distraction Helmet from 1925. The purpose of The Isolator was simple: …
- AROK the Robot by Ben Skora, 1970s. The creation by Ben Skora, of Palos …
- Plastic Bra for female factory workers. This special bra was made entirely …
- All-terrain car. This 1936 wheel-laden monstrosity was an all-terrain car that …
- Piano for the bed. Piano especially designed for people who are confined to …
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2024年11月12日 · Mass shaving machine In the 19th century, barber shops adopted the assembly line concept with an unusual mass-shaving machine that changed the industry. This invention allowed a single barber to shave up to a …
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