45-120 - AfricaHunting.com
2011年8月10日 · The 45-120 is actually equivalent to the 450 Black Powder Express, which with 120gr of Black, shot a 365 gr bullet @ 1700 fps for an energy of 2340fp. In a strong modern rifle you could indeed load the 45-120 with smokeless powder to equal the 450 Nitro.
45-120 Black powder cartridge info - Cast Boolits
2006年11月1日 · The 45-70 will do anything you need to do for target shooting with b/p. For hunting with b/p a 45-70 will shoot clear through a buffalo at 100 yards. With smokless the 45-70 case can be loaded up to match the 45-120 and then some. other than the awe factor the 45-120 will prove to be a pain.
45-120 uberti sharps - Cast Boolits
2010年12月6日 · I've been shooting smokeless loads in my .45-120 for about 24 years now, but mine is built on a Browning B-78 action, which is a copy of the Winchester 1885 action. It's a real thumper with a 420 gr. RNFP-GC bullet and a healthy load of IMR 4895. I do use Super Grex as a case filler, since the 3.25" case has a lot of room in it.
45-120 Black powder cartridge info - Page 2 - Cast Boolits
2006年11月3日 · Most of the Buffalo were killed with cartridges like the 44-77 Sharps bottle neck and the 50-70 Government. The 45-120 was never chambered by the Sharps rifle company their big shell was the 45-2 7/8" also known as the 45-110. that came out in time to kill a few buffalow but the more mild cartridges were prefered.
45-120 brass - Cast Boolits
2011年1月12日 · Norma currently offers brass for the .45-120, as well as Jamison International, who purchased all the old B.E.L.L. (Bell Extrusion Labs, LLC) case making equipment and dies from PMC before they were sold to the Korean company that owns it now. It was in Boulder City, NV, at the time. Did you find a shooting glove for your trigger hand?
45-110 in 45-120? - Cast Boolits
2009年3月13日 · Yes, as others have written you can shoot 45-70 through 45-120 in your P brand! But, nothing but 45-120 will be accurate beyond 60 yards, or so. You may also be able to find brass by calling C Sharps, and/or Shiloh. You will spend around $2 a piece. I have 10 (200 pieces) boxes of RCBS 45 Basic (Collectible) I may be proded into selling.
45-120 reloading help - Cast Boolits
2009年4月18日 · Moderator, if the following anecdote is a thread highjack, just delete it. Pal of mine years ago got a Sharps .45-120, and worked up an amzingly-accurate load for it which he happily demonstrated for us of the unwashed.
45-120 - Cast Boolits
2021年3月23日 · I have an old Pedersoli in 45-120 that hasn't been touched in 20 years or so, back then I loaded up 350gr rounds for my father using smokeless powder and old media from my tumbler for the extra space. I'm wanting a new project so I thought I'd try casting some bullets and running black powder through it for the first time.
45-120 Brass - AfricaHunting.com
2025年1月29日 · Buffalo arms has loaded 45-120 in stock at $7.50 a round. Someone on GB has 19 45-120 cases at $200. Someone else has a set of dies and 40 + brass for a whopping $700. Bertram makes brass for this caliber too but they have lost their stateside dealer.
Modern 45-120 sharps @ 2700yd - Cast Boolits
2023年1月21日 · Modern 45-120 sharps @ 2700yd Please note that if you are using a high risk VPN to register, your profile may be placed in a banned status. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ .