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Newsletter 4
Calling All 4-H Teens... Many NEW opportunities exist for our 4-H’ers once they reach age 14! If you are presently 14+, or will be by January 1st, you will be receiving our 4-H Teen Opportunities packet in the mail this month! KEEP AN EYE OUT to apply for 2022 opportunities!
If you are returning to 4‐H, your Volunteer record will be listed on the family Member List. Click “Enroll Now” under the Program in which you would like to enroll.
4-H year) can be a member. Youth can participate if they have not passed their 20th birthday on January 1. Because of our diverse age range, 4-H has lots of opportunities and experiences for all ages of youth to participate in. 4-H Club memberships are groups of young people who meet monthly to learn about a particular subject, work on a project, perform community service, …
2023 Summer 4-H Camp Registration Form Registration Deadline: The deadline for submitting this form to the St. Joseph County MSU Extension office is Friday, May 26, 2023. Mail or deliver to: Summer 4-H Camp, 612 E. Main St., Centreville, MI 49032.
2023 Birthdates for Breeding Beef class entries Junior Heifer Calves born after January 1, 2023
TRIP with ESTIMATED COST PER MEMBERDATE K, 1st & 2nd ......... Impression 5 ($7 Scholarship Cost) ($28 Full Cost) ....................................... March 4th
Enrolling in 4-HOnline as a Returning Youth Member
4-H STEM Volunteer Newsletter Robotics Announcement! Indiana 4-H will be hosting a robotics competition on September 9, 2023 at the Hamilton County Fairgrounds. Times and registration will follow soon. Top five reasons to join a 4-H robotics team: 1. Robotics has been proven to improve creative thinking skills. 2.
Boone County 4-H Fairgrounds Map Farm Bureau Inc. Community Building Boone REMC Hall Boone Cooperative Advantage Building Witham Pavilion