关于SCAV捡回1PN93-2夜视瞄来让我品鉴一番那些事 - 哔哩哔哩
俄军1PN93系列夜视瞄准具,新西伯利亚仪器厂造物,诞生于90年代中期,用于取代炒鸡酷炫的1PN51,两者都被认为是二代+夜视仪,不过由于1PN93通用10160管,我认为也可以更换三代更高性能的增像管。 我最爱的74瞄具——1pn51. 关于她的身世,卖家称是东吴SCAV从前线捡垃圾捡回来的,从镜身和夹具来看确实有使用痕迹,前线俄军也有使用照片流出,是否带魂环无从考证,据说这批有4-5只流入国内。 铭文1PN93-2 AK74. 镜头及遮光盖,遮光盖上开孔,孔里有滤 …
1PN93 - RussianOptics
1PN93 in the Ukraine-Russian conflict (from the former militaryphotos.net). This appears to be a wildly used optic based on the random photos that were taken of Russian airborne troops in the Crimea and Ukraine in the early days of the war.
Purpose . . The PN93-2 AK-47 Night Vision Sight (hereinafter referred to as the Sight) is designed for battlefield observation and aimed shooting with AK-47 assault rifle under natural night illuminatio. nce.
俄罗斯1pn93-2微光夜视仪城市环境成像效果 - 哔哩哔哩
像增强器为原装EPM62G-01-11A/S, 视频播放量 483、弹幕量 0、点赞数 43、投硬币枚数 10、收藏人数 10、转发人数 0, 视频作者 凌猫猫qwq, 作者简介 这个人很神必,什么都没写,相关视频:真的是宝贝疙瘩:看越南地勤细心维护苏-30战机,连毛笔都用上了,笑死了,印度推出的机器人载重200千克,国产NNVT ...
毛子1pn93-2二代夜视仪 - 百度贴吧
2024年11月1日 · 毛子1pn93-2二..2代增像管,折反镜头,带一个滤光镜,装一节5号电池。 目前全网最低价民版,管芯是军版降级的,因为视野边缘有一个黑点,不过装上眼罩之后看不到(毛子神奇限制视野)。
Night Vision - RussianOptics
Modern NPZ night vision optics HERE on NPZ's website, including 1PN114 and 1PN93. The very modern PN16 and PN21: PN16K-3 monocular and Rakurs-PM on NPZ universal AK mount, shown on SGL31
Russian NPZ 1PN93-2 Night Vision Scope - AK Rifles
2024年3月30日 · Looking for NSP-3's Nr L-90058 & Nr N-71397 and AKMSL Flash Hiders marked for 0053 & 1052. They're out there somewhere! Up for sale is a rare 1PN93-2 night vision scope. The scope is 2nd generation and fully functional. Glass is in nice shape and body has paint wear from...
俄罗斯新机身1pn93-2(1пн93-2)夜视仪介绍 - 哔哩哔哩
-, 视频播放量 1376、弹幕量 1、点赞数 102、投硬币枚数 29、收藏人数 62、转发人数 13, 视频作者 凌猫猫qwq, 作者简介 这个人很神必,什么都没写,相关视频:劲爆猛片!俄特种部队乌克兰境内特种作战行动集锦,比大片还过瘾!俄特种部队(SSO)无伤清理整条战壕的乌军!
1PN93 Magnus Night Wssion Sights - GunRF
The 1PN93 family covers all types of modern small-arms weapons: submachine guns, machine guns, grenade launchers and sniper rifles. The devices have passed service in troops, including under combat conditions in the course of antiterrorist operations in the Chechen Republic.
height up to 0.3 m. Recognition range of man-sized target (300 m) depends on ambient illumination level, atmosphere transparency and object/ ackground contrast. High ambient illumination, artificial illumination, moonlit night, clear atmosphere, light background (sand or snow) increase th.
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