Why was atomic mass scale changed from Oxygen - 16 to Carbon
2015年1月7日 · In short, Dalton suggested $\ce{^1H}$ as the basis of the mass scale, but Ostwald pushed later for $\ce{^16O}$. Unfortunately, no one knew about isotopes yet. The …
Which nuclei are NMR active? - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2017年5月4日 · I thought that only way a nucleus can be NMR active is when the atom has an odd mass, which means that there is an odd number of protons or neutrons and an even …
Relation in the sign (+/-) for gyromagnetic ratio and magnetic ...
2020年4月30日 · Thus $\ce{^4He}$, $\ce{^12C}$, and $\ce{^16O}$ are all expected to be spin 0. On the other hand, an isotope with an odd number of protons will have an unpaired proton; …
Determine bond length via rotational spectroscopy
2019年12月3日 · Estimate the bond length of 12C16O (pure rotational spectrum) given J''=3 (15.356 cm-1) and J'=9 (38.356) I understand that the first step is the calculate the rotational …
When was the amu renamed the dalton? - Chemistry Stack Exchange
However, physicists used the atomic mass of the nuclide $\ce{^16O}$ whereas chemists used the average atomic mass of natural oxygen. This unit became obsolete when IUPAP (1960), …
Why was Avogadro's number chosen to be the value that it is?
2020年4月7日 · Also, 12C = 12 implied acceptable relative changes in the atomic weight scale, i.e., 42 parts-per-million (ppm) compared to 275 ppm for the 16O = 16 scale (which would not …
Have we ever managed to "add" a proton to a nucleus?
2023年2月24日 · By collisions of fast neutrons with hydrogen atoms in the coolant $\ce{H2O}$ (i.e. the desired moderator effect), recoil protons are produced which can react with …
Combustion analysis of hydrocarbon - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2021年10月6日 · Combustion analysis of a hydrocarbon produced 33.01 g CO2 and 4.84 g H2O. I was asked to find the empirical formula of the hydrocarbon. I used these molar mass values …
analytical chemistry - Molar Absorptivity of Copper(II) Sulfate ...
2017年5月13日 · Since only ordinary water, i.e., $\ce{H2^16O}$, is of interest in the OP's question, the aquamolality is the same as the molality, so the solution is simply 0.5 molal. The …
1g=.602x10 (23) amu? - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2024年8月31日 · 1) 6.02 x 10 (23) amu is same as 6.02 x 10 (23) atoms? 1 mole is 6.02 x 10 (23). It can be atoms or molecules or particles regardless of atoms gram like 12 bananas is dozen …