1 pc. (= piece) 2 pcs. 3 pcs. - HiNative
2025年3月5日 · use 1 pc. 1 is singular 2 or more is plural the ‘s’ indicates more than one so you cant use the ‘s’ with the 1 pc spelled out its: 1 piece, 2 pieces, 3 pieces, etc but you wouldn’t …
Should there be a space between numeral and "pc" or "pcs"?
2017年9月3日 · The terms "pc" and "pcs" are often used as short forms for "piece" and "pieces". However, it's not clear how the short forms should be used in conjunction with numerals. Is it …
punctuation - pcs.; or pcs; when used in a list - English Language ...
2013年10月17日 · 1 Although using a full stop to indicate abbreviation is quite common, it is discouraged by some style guidelines such as The University of Oxford's , which explicitly …
grammar - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2019年4月16日 · 1. I lost 3 pieces from my 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle. – The Photon. Commented Apr 17, 2019 at 2:06. If I ...
【戻った】 と 【戻って来た】 はどう違いますか? | HiNative
戻った (もどっ た), 戻って来た (もどっ て き た) 戻った の類義語 例が良くなかったかもしれません。例示した表現も場面によっては使えますね。 文法的に説明したかったのですが …
吃瓜 - HiNative
@taotao8888 It is an interesting word. Literally speaking, it is “eat a watermelon”. Actually, it is used in the internet environment to express a state of non-concern and non-opinion, but only …
【払い出し れい: (ITタスクの場面) PC名払い出し】とはどういう …
【ネイティブが回答】「払い出し れい: (ITタスクの場面) PC名払い出し」ってどういう意味?質問に2件の回答が集まっています!Hinativeでは"日本語"や外国語の勉強で気になったことを …
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HiNative is a global Q&A platform where you can ask people from all over the world questions about language and culture. We support over 110 languages.
What is the name for these keys on a computer keyboard?
2016年3月16日 · These keys generally go by the name of their unshifted character (i.e., the character on the bottom of the key). This is true of most of the keyboard: for example, we …
ambiguity - Is "until" inclusive or exclusive? - English Language ...
2014年9月15日 · 1) "[The man kept on kicking the bear] until the bear growled." That means that when the bear growled, the man immediately stopped doing whatever action he was doing …