Financial Administration and Program Series 0501 - U.S. Office of ...
Financial Administration and Program Series, 0501 Individual Occupational Requirements. There are no Individual Occupational Requirements for this series.
Financial Administration 0501 . Accounting 0510 . Auditing 0511 . Budget Analysis 0560 . Professional and Administrative Work in the Accounting, Auditing, and Budget Group, 0500 …
are classified in the Financial Administration and Program Series, GS-0501. 3. Positions the duties of which are to manage, direct, or to assist in managing or directing, one or more …
Code Explanation From Through; 001: Cancellation. (Cancellation) 06/01/1972 Present 002: Correction. (Correction) 06/01/1972 Present 023
General Schedule Qualification Standards - U.S. Office of …
0501: Financial Administration and Program Series GS-5/7 0503: Financial Clerical and Assistance Program Series 0505: Financial Management Series 0510: Accounting Series: X …
PAY PLAN - United States Office of Personnel Management
Code Explanation From Through; KT: Government Printing Office negotiated rates for printing plant workers, 80% Code is for use by the Government Printing Office only
Pay Plans - U.S. Office of Personnel Management
Fact Sheet: Pay Plans Definition. A pay plan is a two-digit alphabetical code used to identify Federal civilian pay systems. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) approves pay …
Chapter 9: Career and Career-Conditional Appointments. 3 . Chapter 9: The Guide to Processing Personnel Actions . c. Changes to the work schedule or the number of hours.
Appeal Decisions - U.S. Office of Personnel Management
OPM Decision Numbers. An OPM decision number identifies decisions. The 12-character decision number is made up of C (for classification appeal), 4 digits for the OPM-certified …
Clerical and Technical Accounting and Budget Work, GS-0500C HRCD-4 December 1997 Titling: The basic titles for positions in this series are: Accounts Maintenance Clerk - This title covers …