Yue Li - Geography
2023年10月9日 · Yue Li. Assistant Professor Ladder Faculty. Office: 1255 Bunche Hall. Email: [email protected]
Dr. Yue Li – Ph.D. in Climate-Biogeoscience
2023年9月22日 · Yue Li Assistant Professor, Department of Geography University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Contact: yli [at] geog [dot] ucla [dot] edu. Lab research directions: Tropical terrestrial ecosystem, ecohydrology, wildfires, climate extremes, Earth system models, natural climate solutions, land use
Members – Cognitive Communication Science Lab
Yue Li: Yue is pursuing her PhD in Communication at The Ohio State University. Natalie Petit: Natalie was an Undergraduate Research Assistant. Zoltan Roemer: Zoltan was an Undergraduate Research Assistant.
Yuè Li - Computational Biology Research - McGill University
Homepage of Yuè Li, PhD - Advancing computational biology through AI at McGill University.
Yue Li - Google Scholar
Predicting gene expression in massively parallel reporter assays: a comparative study.
Yue Li, Ph.D. | UR Medicine - University of Rochester Medical Center
2020年12月9日 · Dr. Li is a tenured Professor and an experienced health services researcher with major focuses on Medicare policy and quality of hospital and long-term care.
Home | HER Lab
HER Lab (Heritage, Edutainment, and Reality) is a research team led by Dr Yue Li, focusing on advancing the fields of cultural heritage, education, and entertainment by novel technologies and reality-based experiences.
Dr. Weimin Li's Homepage - Cal Poly Pomona
Weimin Li, Ph.D., ASLA, is currently the Graduate Coordinator of the Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA) program and a full Professor in the Department of Landscape Architecture, College of Environmental Design at the California State Polytechnic University Pomona.
Yue Li - Google Scholar
2022 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct … Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems … 2023 IEEE conference on virtual reality...
Yue Li
My interests lie in physics-based simulation, inverse design and neural representations. All projects during my Ph.D. are open-sourced on my GitHub page. I also maintain a code base, which I named WuKong, a figure in Chinese folklore. You'll find my implementation for a few things that come in handy for simulation in graphics.