Is there a simple explanation of x264 encoding parameters?
2015年9月27日 · So, x264 is still the most popular (free) H.264 encoder out there. But it is also still considered ridiculously cryptic as well. There are tons of switches and options in the …
ffmpeg - encoding 4:2:2 in 10-bit with libx264 - Video Production …
The cmdline x264 --fullhelp is pretty explicit about output bit depth from 8 to 10, not higher. Weird that -profile high10 is just silently ignored by 8bit x264. Internally, x264 compiled for high bit …
What is KeyInt and min-keyint and no-scenecut - video
Your code tells ffmpeg to generate a H264 video stream using the x264 encoder, and the options below are used by the encoder to decide keyframe placement.-x264opts "keyint=24:min …
h264 and h265 keyint params settings - Video Production Stack …
2015年11月22日 · 1) MeGUI/x264 Settings for an explanation of the parameters like keyint. 2) About --keyint --min-keyint and --scenecut for a discussion at Doom9 about how they interact, …
x264 - Encode a 10bit raw video file - Video Production Stack …
2018年10月31日 · Each gray value is 2 bytes but only the first 10 bits are used. I can't seem to get x264-10b to accept it as an input. x264-10b.exe --profile high10 --input-csp gray10le - …
ffmpeg - What x264 encoder is better for upscaling pixel art? Is it ...
I mostly use Virtualdub2 to upscale my videos (although I am looking for other methods) via two resize filters, Nearest Neighbor and Lanzcos3. Recently I am looking at the x264 encoder to …
x264 - Multiple FFmpeg input & output - Video Production Stack …
2017年1月18日 · I just want to know if it's possible to encode audio & video at the same time by FFmpeg -c:a libfaac for audio & x264.exe for video. and any example!
Why processor is "better" for encoding than GPU? - video
2015年1月26日 · On a fast CPU (i7 quad core with hyperthreading), x264 superfast is probably going to be as fast, and look better (at the same bitrate). If you're making an encode where …
Using h264 in loseless mode brings small unexpected results
You can use -qp 0 or -crf 0 to encode a lossless output. Use of -qp is recommended over -crf for lossless because 8-bit and 10-bit x264 use different -crf values for lossless. This is also …
conversion - Does transcoding always mean quality loss? - Video ...
2017年6月7日 · Generally, H.264 and H.265 (as well as others like VP9) are lossy codecs, at least in their default settings with most encoders.