Unsuk Chin - Wikipedia
Unsuk Chin (Korean: 진은숙 [tɕin ɯn.suk]; born July 14, 1961) is a South Korean composer of contemporary classical music, who is based in Berlin, Germany. Chin was a self-taught pianist from a young age and studied composition at Seoul National University as well as with György Ligeti at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg .
Unsuk Chin - Boosey & Hawkes
Unsuk Chin home page at www.boosey.com. Discover her music and read a composer biography. Explore information, news and performances.
陳銀淑 - Wikipedia
陳 銀淑 (チン・ウンスク、 1961年 7月14日 - )は、 大韓民国 ・ ソウル特別市 出身、 ドイツ ベルリン の 現代音楽 の 作曲家。 ソウル大学校 で 姜碩煕 に師事し、20代前半で様々な国際賞を受賞する。 1985年 から 1988年 まで ハンブルク音楽演劇大学 にて リゲティ・ジェルジュ に師事する。 リゲティは陳の初期の作品は彼女のオリジナリティに欠けると厳しく指導。 「あ …
Unsuk Chin: Biography - Boosey & Hawkes
Full Biography: Unsuk Chin was born in 1961 in Seoul, Korea. She began to teach herself piano and music theory at an early age and subsequently studied composition at the Seoul National University with Sukhi Kang.
Music in the Margins: Blog - West Chester University of ...
2022年7月7日 · Through the late 1980s and 1990s, Unsuk Chin accumulated accolades that would bring her to the forefront of Korean music and establish her as the leading Korean composer, including the Grawmeyer Award, Arnold Schönberg Award, and …
Unsuk Chin Biography | Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung
Unsuk Chin, Komponistin aus Südkorea in ihere Berliner Wohnung. Unsuk Chin was born in Seoul, Korea, in 1961. She began teaching herself piano and music theory at an early age and went on to study composition at Seoul National University with Sukhi Kang.
Unsuk Chin - LA Phil
Since 2011, she has served as Artistic Director of the ‘Music of Today’ series of the Philharmonia Orchestra in London. Portrait CDs of her music have appeared on Deutsche Grammophon, Kairos and Analekta. Unsuk Chin’s works are published exclusively by Boosey & Hawkes.