Explore the World at the Field - Field Museum
Museum open daily, 9am-5pm, last entry 4pm. Closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. Museum is located at: 1400 S. Dusable Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60605. Contact Us For general inquiries: 312.922.9410 or 312.665.7669 (TTY).
Plan Your Visit - Tickets & Hours - Field Museum
Museum open daily, 9am-5pm, last entry 4pm. Closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. Museum is located at: 1400 S. Dusable Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60605. Contact Us For general inquiries: 312.922.9410 or 312.665.7669 (TTY).
About the Field Museum
Located on Chicago’s iconic Lake Michigan shore, the Field Museum opened its current building to the public in 1921—but our story began years earlier. Our collection grew out of items on display in the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in the “White City.”
Exhibitions & 3D Movies - Field Museum
Explore cultures present and past, find the latest scientific discoveries, and travel the world right here in Chicago.
Events - Field Museum
Museum open daily, 9am-5pm, last entry 4pm. Closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. Museum is located at: 1400 S. Dusable Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60605. Contact Us For general inquiries: 312.922.9410 or 312.665.7669 (TTY).
Field Museum History
Field’s contribution—plus contributions from other wealthy donors—ensured the success and permanence of a great museum in Chicago. Their donations helped purchase the first collections of what would soon become the Columbian Museum of Chicago.
Frequently Asked Questions - Field Museum
Museum open daily, 9am-5pm, last entry 4pm. Closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. Museum is located at: 1400 S. Dusable Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60605. Contact Us For general inquiries: 312.922.9410 or 312.665.7669 (TTY).
Cats: Predators to Pets - Field Museum
Museum open daily, 9am-5pm, last entry 4pm. Closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. Museum is located at: 1400 S. Dusable Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60605. Contact Us For general inquiries: 312.922.9410 or 312.665.7669 (TTY).
Photo Archives - Field Museum
Museum Campus and Lake Shore Drive. Field Museum, Shedd Aquarium, Adler Planetarium and Soldier Field looking south. Aerial views taken from helicopter.Credit Information: (c) Field Museum of Natural History
Meet the Chicago Archaeopteryx - Field Museum
Watch a documentary on the Chicago Archaeopteryx to hear from the world-class team that brought this fossil to the world. See an Archaeopteryx come to life, then discover how its body became fossilized.