Taffeta - Wikipedia
Taffeta (archaically spelled taffety or taffata) is a crisp, smooth, plain woven fabric made from silk, nylon, cuprammonium rayons, acetate, or polyester. The word came into Middle English via …
塔夫绸 - 百度百科
What is Taffeta Fabric: Properties, How its Made and Where
Taffeta is a crisp, lightweight fabric that is commonly used to make a variety of types of high-end women's apparel. This plain woven fabric is smooth to the touch, and it can be made from a …
你知道什么是“涤塔夫”吗? - 知乎专栏
涤塔夫 英文名为Polyester Taffeta,又被称为塔夫绸。由 涤纶丝或仿真丝制成。涤塔夫是一种全涤薄型面料,是涤纶长丝织造,外观上光亮,手感光滑。这样的布叫涤塔夫,可以做面料和里 …
What is Taffeta? Fabric Guide, Uses and Care - TREASURIE
2024年1月5日 · Learn all about what is taffeta & the types of taffeta. Taffeta is a crisp fabric originally made in silk and can also be synthetic.
What Is Taffeta Fabric? How Taffeta Is Made and the ... - MasterClass
2021年8月12日 · Taffeta is a crisp, plain-woven fabric made most often from silk, but it can also be woven with polyester, nylon, acetate, or other synthetic fibers. Taffeta fabric typically has a …
塔夫绸是一种多用途织物,以其独特的质地和光泽从其他材料中脱颖而出. 塔夫绸因其优雅的外观和清爽的质感而深受正装的喜爱,但也可用于室内装饰和装饰品.
TAFFETA中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
People usually use three incense sticks, one candle, gold foil, two lotuses, two flower garlands and one three-colour taffeta to worship in the shrine. 来自 Wikipedia
【服饰文化】原产欧洲的高档面料——塔夫绸 Taffeta
2017年9月24日 · 1750 British Blue silk taffeta brocaded with silver thread. 今天,大多数生丝塔夫绸在印度和巴基斯坦生产, 甚至是现代 那里的手纺车也被广泛使用,直到1990年,才由机器 …
What is Taffeta Fabric? Properties, Uses, and Making Process
2024年11月14日 · Taffeta fabric is still a well-loved selection in the world of textiles, given its timeless elegance and practical adaptability. The fabric of taffeta, whether used in high-end …