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SR-3 SR-3M Vikhr - Modern Firearms
SR-3M Vikhr compact assault rifle, current issue model, with 'new pattern' 30-round magazine. The SR-3 "Vikhr" ("Whirlwind") compact assault rifle was developed in TSNIITOCHMASH by A. Borisov and V. Levchenko during early 1990s.
SR3 Vikhr: Russian 9x39mm PDW - Forgotten Weapons
2024年9月2日 · The SR-3 Vikhr is mechanically based on the AS-VAL and VSS Vintorez rifles, but built to be a very compact personal defensive weapon instead of a silenced rifle. Still chambered for 9×39, the Vikhr is intended for roles like executive protection, where the priority is being compact and concealable.
SR-3 Vikhr小型突击步枪——〖枪炮世界〗
在1991年,首批试产的 RG-051 交付给克格勃,到了1996年,已经经过广泛实战测试后的 RG-051 被正式定型为 SR-3(代号仍然为“旋风”),并被克格勃的继任者——也就是现在的 FSB (联邦安全局)和 FSO (联邦警卫局,负责保护总统和其他政府重要人员)所正式采用。 SR-3 仍然用 AS和VSS 的生产线来生产。 虽然 SR-3 主要用于 VIP 护卫,但因为 SR-3 很适合对付那些穿着防弹衣或躲藏在硬障碍物后面的对手,所以俄罗斯的一些精锐反恐部队也采用了一些 SR-3,把 …
SR-3 Vikhr: A specialized silenced assault rifle in 9x39mm caliber
2023年1月18日 · The SR-3 Vikhr is a compact, specialized assault rifle designed to fire subsonic 9x39mm ammunition. Developed by TsNIITochMash specifically for Russian law enforcement, this weapon’s design is based on the AS Val rifle .
SR-3 Vikhr | Military Wiki | Fandom
The SR-3 Vikhr (СР-3 Вихрь, Russian for "whirlwind") is a Russian compact fully automatic assault rifle chambered for the 9x39mm subsonic round. It was developed by CNIITochMash (Central Institute for Precision Machine Building) in the early 1990s.
SR-3 Vikhr (Whirlwind) Assault Rifle / Silenced Assault Rifle
2022年3月15日 · The SR-3 is a conventional gas-operated weapon utilizing a rotating bolt action. The received is slab-sided and rectangular in its general shape with a conventional pistol-grip/trigger unit and forward hand guard around the barrel/gas system.
The 9x39mm SR-3 Vikhr: Russian Compact Assault Rifle Easily …
The SR-3 was designed to fill the role of a submachine gun with distinguished armor piercing capability. It can be fitted with a silencer increasing the overall package length, though it is not typically seen with the suppressor affixed.
SR3 "Vikhr" | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The SR3 "Vikhr" (Cyrillic: СР-3 «Вихрь», Russian for "whirlwind") is a Russian 9×39mm compact assault rifle, manufactured by the Tula Arms Plant. The abbreviation "SR" stands for spetsialnaya razrabotka — special development.
SR-3 - NamuWiki
2025年2月6日 · The existing SR-1 and SR-2 both use pistol bullets ( 9×21 mm), while the SR-3 uses 9×39 mm rifle bullets, which are the same size as 9mm, so its firepower is much stronger. The difference from its predecessor, AS Val, is that the silencer is removable and shooting is possible without the silencer. [2]
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