Posting keys and GL account | SAP Community
For example if GL account for sales determined is 1234 through account key. How does the system determines whether a credit value appears against the GL account 1234 (through …
Bank G/L Account currency different than House Bank currency
Hi SAP FI members, I have a scenario where the local currency of the company code is HKD and the House Bank currency in the FBZP(FI12) setup is USD. Meanwhile, the G/L account for the …
PGI: GL account check - SAP Community
when i check the outbound delivery> document flow> GD goods issue document display.Its posting to incorrect GL account but when the accounting document is created its going to …
TAX Caculation for a GL Account | SAP Community
Dear SAP Members, Back again with a new issue 😊. The problem I am facing is that, client wants to calculate tax for a GL account. The scenario is as follows: Client at first used to treat sales …
Service Order settlement to GL | SAP Community
I have maintained the settlement rule in the service order for Gl and have given the - Warranty Claim Gl also. Settlement in KO88 is also happening with full amount being settled to the GL …
Gl master... APP - SAP Community
1. In GL master company code segment we have an option Alternative account num what does it mean? 2. Is it possible to pay GL expenses through Automatic payment program? (rent, …
Trasnfer of open items from one GL Account to another ... - SAP …
We want to transfer the Intercompany GL account balance from one GL account(old) to another intercompany account(New).Inpast we have posted few entries in old account and after that …
Leading zero in G/L account - SAP Community
OSS 10714 describes, that it is not possible to create or to use accounts with leading zeroes and in standard SAP it will never be possible. But if you need to have it, SAP can make it possible. …
TDS GL wise Expense information | SAP Community
HI SAP EXPERTS, We have requirement of that in TDS/withholding tax GL against which expense it is deducted. We have most of the documents posted throug MIRO/invoice …
Substitution rule - Bank charges GL account - SAP Community
I need to change my Bank charge GL account (account determination). In OBXK, the Bank Charges GL account is maintained at COA level. So, I can't change the configuration. So, I am …