California Proposition 56 - DHCS
2024年12月24日 · In November 2016, voters passed Proposition 56 to support access to health care for low-income Californians covered by the Medi-Cal program.
Directed Payments - Proposition 56 - DHCS
The California Healthcare, Research and Prevention Tobacco Tax Act (Proposition 56), passed by the voters in November 2016, increases the excise tax rate on cigarettes and electronic cigarettes, effective April 1, 2017, and other tobacco products, effective July 1, 2017. The excise tax increased by $2 from 87 cents to $2.87 per pack of 20 ...
Proposition 56 Physicians Supplemental Payment - DHCS
Proposition 56 Physicians Supplemental Payment Back to Proposition 56 | Managed Care Directed Payment Overview | Current Materials
Proposition 56 Value Based Payment Program - DHCS
2022年6月30日 · The Proposition 56 – VBP Directed Payment program ended as of June 30, 2022, and is the only Proposition 56 Directed Payment program that ended. Note: Only the services specifically tied to Proposition 56 – VBP will no longer be eligible for a Directed Payment for dates of service after June 30, 2022.
Proposition 56 Supplemental Dental Payments - DHCS
Under Prop. 56, a specified portion of the tobacco tax revenue is allocated to DHCS for use as the nonfederal share of health care expenditures in accordance with the annual state budget process.
Healthcare, Research and Prevention Tobacco Tax Act (commonly known as Prop. 56) to increase the excise tax rate on cigarettes and tobacco products to help fund health care expenditures. Prop 56 funding, allocates a specified portion of the tobacco tax revenues beginning in FY 2017-2018. DHCS was authorized to
Healthcare, Research and Prevention Tobacco Tax Act (commonly known as Prop. 56) to increase the excise tax rate on cigarettes and tobacco products to help fund health care expenditures.
DP Proposition 56 Physicians - DHCS
The California Healthcare, Research and Prevention Tobacco Tax Act of 2016 (Proposition 56), passed by the voters in November 2016, increased the excise tax rate on cigarettes and electronic cigarettes, effective April 1, 2017, and other tobacco products effective July 1, 2017.
The 2020 Budget Act appropriated Proposition 56 Medi-Cal funding to various provider supplemental payment programs and rate increases to support access to health care for low-income Californians covered by the Medi-
4260-101-3305) appropriates Proposition 56 funds in the 2017-18 state fiscal year for specified DHCS supplemental payment expenditures , and DHCS has developed the required supplemental payment methodologies as outlined below.