What do each of the colors mean? – Help | PrettyLitter
2023年3月16日 · Want to test your litter? Tap water has a typical pH in the green to yellow range; Vinegar is acidic (outside the normal range) and will show orange; Ammonia is alkaline (outside the normal range) and will show blue; Because our litter is white, blood in urine appears red and is easy to spot; For our color changing video tutorial, click here.
Pretty Litter Colors and Pretty Litter Color Meanings
2019年9月17日 · Blue or Dark Green: If the litter turns blue or dark green, this means that your cat’s urine has abnormal alkaline levels. Your cat may be suffering from urinary tract infections or kidney/bladder stones. This can also result in your cat pooping in the house all of a sudden.
What Do the PrettyLitter Colors Mean? Explanation with Color Chart
2025年1月6日 · PrettyLitter is a crystal litter that changes color in response to changes in your cat’s urine pH. It turns yellow or green if everything is within a normal pH range. High pH readings are...
Health Monitoring and Color Changing Cat Litter | PrettyLitter
Look for these color-changes in the health-monitoring cat litter: Dark yellow/olive green indicates cat urine within the typical range. Blue may indicate certain types of urinary tract infections or increased risk of stone formation. Orange may indicate metabolic acidosis or …
PrettyLitter Colors: Guide to Color Meanings
Blue = High Alkalinity . Alkalinity outside of the average range may be present if your cat has certain types of urinary tract infections and increase the risk of struvite crystal/stone formation.
What Do PrettyLitter Colors Mean?
2023年4月25日 · PrettyLitter show change four colors: dark yellow/olive green, orange, blue, and red. It is important to note that while the color change helps inform pet parents and veterinarians about the cat’s health condition, a diagnosis should not depend on only the color change.
Understanding Pretty Litter Colors: Expert Answers to Your …
The Blue in Pretty Litter indicates that the urine is more Alkaline ( vs Acidity) compared to "normal" urine. A higher PH of the urine can indicate a urinary tract infection, But Not always and Not a 100% indication it is a problem. It could be the variation of the day with urine.
Can PrettyLitter change color, even if nothing is wrong?
2022年8月31日 · This concentration of saturated PrettyLitter can cause a reaction that changes the saturated litter “blue”. If you notice the litter is turning a slushy consistency along with a blue color, it may just be time to change your litter.
Pretty Litter Color Chart – When Colors Speak To Us (2023)
2023年1月31日 · Blue Or Dark Green – these colors are caused by high alkaline levels. It might indicate a urinary tract infection or the beginning stage of kidney disease. If you spot dark green or blue colors in your cat’s litter box, consult your veterinarian. Orange – this color might indicate that there is too much acidity in your cat’s pee.
Pretty Litter Colors: What Do They Mean? (With Color Chart)
2024年8月12日 · The 4 Pretty Litter Colors & Their Meaning. 1. Dark Yellow-Olive Green; 2. Dark Green or Blue; 3. Yellow to Orange; 4. Red; What to Do If Your Cat’s Pretty Litter Indicates a Problem; Conclusion