debuggers - OllyDbg vs x64dbg - Does OllyDbg have any …
2020年11月29日 · Since OllyDbg was the debugger of choice for so many years, it will take awhile to run its course. That said, it's still extremely capable for a 32-bit debugger with a rich support/plug-in ecosystem (even if a bit dated now), so there's absolutely nothing wrong with using it if you prefer it over any other debugger for 32-bit applications.
debugging - Cheat Engine vs Ollydbg - Stack Overflow
2016年5月3日 · OllyDbg is a 32-bit assembler level analyzing debugger with a lot of tools Emphasizing on binary code analysis makes it particularly useful in cases where source is unavailable. but cheat engine is simple and user friendly app designed for easier searching in memory and making simple scripts for trainers.
How can I set a breakpoint for a button click using ollydbg?
2014年6月10日 · in ollyDBG 1 : go to view > windows; select your button. right click and select Message breakpoint on ClassProc; in Messages: select 202 WM LBUTTONUP; select Break on all windows with same title; select Pause program: On message; select Log WinProc arguments: Never; in ollyDBG 1 or 2 : go to view > windows; select your button.
OllyDbg, don't get the option to copy to executable file
2013年7月29日 · Whenever I'm in OllyDbg and successfully finish editing the ASM code to my liking, I try to highlight all the modifications I've made and when I right click....I don't get the option to "Copy to Executable?" - Yet a lot of the tutorials I follow have this option, and they do it …
ollydbg - Tracing to a function during debugging? - Reverse …
2013年8月2日 · OllyDbg comes with some features that particularly useful in this situation. Firstly, we need to find all send() and receive() functions. We will search for intermodular calls. In disassembly window right click somewhere to bring up the following menu: Select Search For -> All Intermodular Calls. It will bring up the window with all of the ...
can you debug 64bit target apps with Ollydbg 1.1?
2014年5月14日 · OllyDbg currently does not support debugging 64 bit apps, however the developer stated to start the development of a 64 bit version as soon as his free times allows him. For a 64 bit debugger, take a look at WinDBG. Update 2021: These days, x64dbg is also an excellent choice. Its design is strongly inspired by OllyDbg.
How can i see a dll file functions in ollydbg? - Stack Overflow
2017年1月17日 · ollydbg can load a dll directly once it is loaded use call dll export . select the function of interest . follow the call . set breakpoints as needed . use call export with arguments inserted manually and analyze the function
How to dump memory into raw file in Ollydbg? - Stack Overflow
2015年12月17日 · I am debugging a process and want to dump a chunk of memory, say from memory address 0x4160d8 to 0x4200d8, into a file.
How do I bypass IsDebuggerPresent with OllyDbg?
2012年4月26日 · There are many ways to do it. As you said, it's possible to patch the program's thread block. Here is a tutorial, how to get around IsDebuggerPresent, by simply patching this function so it always returns 0.
Searching for strings in ollydbg - Reverse Engineering Stack …
2017年10月20日 · From my experience, OllyDbg is not so good with handling string references. Is it because the search only looks for strings which are used in functions? As far as I know, "Search for >> All referenced text strings" is searching, well, for strings which are referenced in the assembly. It is not searching for a strings in the whole binary, even ...