No, not, and non - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2015年10月1日 · No is half of the answer pair Yes/No, shading off into Nah, Nuh-uh, and Uh-uh. But it can also quantify and negate any noun phrase: Some blade of grass ~ No blade of grass; One who saw it ~ No one who saw it. Not is the general negator for verb phrases, including predicate adjectives and nouns.
the difference between "no", "not" and "none"? [closed]
He has not a care in the world. NO. The opposite to yes as an answer: Do you like movies? No (, I do not). Did you watch that movie? No (, I do not). Use no to negate a noun. You can do this when in a positive sense you use an indefinite article only (or with mass nouns, and the article disappears in the negative: Is there a problem? No, there ...
grammar - Distinguishing "no" from "not" before adjectives
2018年3月6日 · For example we may say “I am not tall,” but not “I am no tall.” Truly comparative adjectival forms always permit either ‘no’ or ‘not’ in a certain construction, regardless of the concept of “negative polarity items.” I have found no reason for this, but it seems true upon consideration of examples. He is not (or no) older ...
grammar - Should we use "not to" or "to not"? - English Language ...
You can certainly say . . . it's not OK to not learn from them. However, bear in mind that there are still people around who mistakenly believe that such a construction is a split infinitive and should be avoided. (They are mistaken because the particle to is not part of the verb so there’s nothing to split.) If you think your readers or ...
"I won't" vs. "I'll not" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2012年10月22日 · / I will not!" (not "I'll not!"; won't here connotes strong will) "There's no other way – you'll have to drive the truck through the minefield." "I won't stand a chance!" (preferred) ("I'll not stand a chance!" sounds weaker) "I won't inform the police that the man who ran on to the pitch and thumped the player was your brother."
Difference between "without" and "with no" - English Language
2011年8月29日 · Really this is not quite the same thing grammatically as in the 'without sound', 'with no sound' example. We have replaced a with no as well as replacing without with with. The word no is a determiner. Determiners are words like a, the, some, any, this, that. We actually cannot replace without with with no if the noun phrase already has a ...
grammar - Negative questions: “No, I don’t” or "Yes, I don't ...
2018年2月20日 · The answer depends not upon the form of the question, but the answerer's understanding of what is true. It's my understanding that Beth went to the theater Thursday night. Didn't Beth go to the theater on Wednesday night? No, she didn't. She went on Thursday. Did Beth go to the theater Wednesday night? No, she didn't. She went on Thursday.
no not - "Non-significant" or "not significant" variable? - English ...
2013年7月30日 · There's not enough context to make a recommendation about the technical meaning. A common topic in statistics is a test of significance, or significance level, but these are applied to data sets (e.g. in view of an experimental hypothesis), and I'm having trouble conceiving of how it will be applied to a variable.
When is it more correct to say 'did not' and when 'didn't'?
2020年6月8日 · @ambitious_ph1lologist Thanks for the heads up. I don't know how I'm going to be able to edit my answer. Maybe Word detects "weren't" and not "didn't" but I'm not sure. I'm not a Word expert. I think however, regardless of the particular contraction, the …
negation - Answering the question: Do you mind if...? - English ...
"Sure" and "No, not at all", which both mean that the person doesn't mind. "Actually, I do mind", which means that the person does mind. Why is this so confusing? Especially, how come people reply "Sure" to this question, if that could be understood to mean that they for sure do mind?