progressive web apps - Angular Service worker (ngsw-worker.js) is …
2022年12月9日 · build-prod-ngsw: This command invokes the Angular CLI build command with the "--prod" flag to build the project in production mode. After the build completes, it invokes the ngsw-config and ngsw-copy commands defined earlier to generate the service worker configuration file and copy the service worker script to the dist folder.
No Service worker files ngsw.json / ngsw-worker.json generated …
After a long search, we found out that the missing --prod flag in our build makes the problem. Exactly this one produces the service-worker files and no additional build flag is able to do it (same with uglifying and the uglifyer was the reason why we had exchanged the --build flag against --env=build earlier).
Angular 5 and Service Worker: How to exclude a particular path …
2017年12月7日 · This has been made easier now, you can bypass URLs from angular service workers by using ngsw-bypass. From the docs: To bypass the service worker you can set ngsw-bypass as a request header, or as a query parameter. (The value of the header or query parameter is ignored and can be empty or omitted.)
Path "/ngsw-config.json" already exists - Stack Overflow
2018年7月27日 · When you move your @angular/cli version to 6.0.8 then you will face another issue while adding ng add @angular/material ----- to add both the latest Angular Material and PWA into your project Please read below.
Angular service worker and index.html caching - Stack Overflow
In practice, the version is determined by the contents of the ngsw.json file, which includes hashes for all known content. If any of the cached files change, the file's hash will change in ngsw.json, causing the Angular service worker to treat the active set of files as a new version.
How to run service worker locally with Angular - Stack Overflow
2019年4月29日 · Since 'src/ngsw.json' is created/generated, it should not be under source control/git, so add line '/src/ngsw.json' to '.gitignore' file. Step 3. Add service worker source and config to your debug build.
Angular PWA ngsw-config updateMode - Stack Overflow
2019年12月8日 · * (Note on "next time") If a user already "added to home screen" the previous version, when he opens the app again, the browser still renders the old app even if the new version is now available. This is because the service worker checks for updates to ngsw.json during this time and downloading the updated versions in the background. If the ...
Regenerate content hash in ngsw after build or during deploy
2019年1月8日 · Another way to update the hashes inside ngsw.json without having to ship the whole Angular CLI Package is to use this small open-source tool to recreate just the hashes.
local configuration files are not loading and ngsw.json?ngsw …
2023年8月30日 · Angular CLI version is 15.2.9 and serviceworker version is also 15.2.9. I am facing an issue with the service worker. The service worker is registered on its own through the app.module. It works fine in online mode. But when I change the network to offline mode,local configured json flies are not loading and ngsw.json?ngsw-cache-bust failing.
Angular application in custom url path, with ServiceWorker
2021年2月3日 · That said, unfortunately, only the value of --base-href is included in paths that get generated within the ngsw.json file. This is a problem with Angular CLI and so far hasn't been addressed. A workaround is to run the ngsw-config command providing it with base href parameter as the last parameter/option. For example, what you could do is