Windows IP Freeware NetSetMan: Network Settings Manager …
Freeware to manage all your network settings with ease! NetSetMan offers what you've been missing in Windows until now: A powerful, easy-to-use interface to manage all your network settings at a glance.
Network Settings Manager for Windows (LAN & WiFi) - NetSetMan
2017年11月29日 · License. NetSetMan is Freeware for non-commercial use. You may use NetSetMan for free as long as you don't save paid work time. Any commercial use (at work, company notebook, etc.) requires a NetSetMan Pro license.. For detailed information please refer to the NetSetMan Software License Agreement
NetSetMan Help File: English | Network Settings Manager for …
NetSetMan is a network settings manager software for easily switching between your preconfigured profiles. Combined with an outstanding Wi-Fi management and practical networking features, it is an essential tool for every laptop user.
NetSetMan Pro | Network Settings Manager for Windows (LAN
Proxy and domain features for professional users. Special conditions for private customers: Private users can use the Non-Commercial Freeware version free of charge. If you still want to buy a NetSetMan Pro license (for the additional features or just to support us), you can use each license on up to three systems at the same time.
NetSetMan - Your Network Settings Manager
Versione attuale: A causa di una modifica incompatibile del certificato di firma del software, le versioni precedenti a 5.3.2 non possono essere aggiornate automaticamente. Pertanto, scaricare il file di configurazione più recente e installarlo come aggiornamento. I clienti della versione Pro possono trovarlo come di consueto nell'area clienti. (⇒ Changelog)
Gestore di impostazioni di rete per Windows (LAN & WiFi)
Condizioni speciali per clienti privati: Gli utenti privati possono utilizzare gratuitamente la versione freeware non commerciale. Se volete comunque acquistare una licenza NetSetMan Pro perché avete bisogno di funzionalità aggiuntive o semplicemente volete supportarci, potete usare ogni licenza su un massimo di tre sistemi contemporaneamente.
Windows IP Freeware NetSetMan: Asistente de configuración de …
Versión actual: Debido a un cambio incompatible en el certificado de firma del software, las versiones anteriores a 5.3.2 no pueden actualizarse automáticamente. Por lo tanto, descargue el archivo de instalación más reciente e instálelo como actualización. Los clientes de la versión Pro pueden encontrarlo como de costumbre en el área de clientes.
IP Network Scanner for Windows: NetSetMan
Network Scanner. If you would like to find and analyze all devices in your computer network, the most comfortable way is to use the feature-rich Network Scanner that is built in as a tool in NetSetMan.
NetSetMan Help File: Russian | Network Settings Manager for …
Online help (in over 20 languages) and FAQ. NetSetMan предлагает то, чего не хватало в Windows до сих пор: Мощный, простой в использовании интерфейс для управления всеми настройками сети с первого взгляда.
NetSetMan Fichero de ayuda: Español | Asistente de configuración …
NetSetMan es un software de gestión de configuración de red para cambiar fácilmente entre sus perfiles preconfigurados. Combinado con una excelente gestión de Wi-Fi y prácticas funciones de red, es una herramienta esencial para todo usuario de ordenadores portátiles.