Who would I contact to get a copy of my NGB form 23?
2018年3月20日 · NGB Form 23 Retirement Points Summary Statement - Citizen Soldier Resource Center. Most Army National Guard Soldiers receive an updated NGB Form 23 each year on their service anniversary or birth month. Read on...
If you transition from a Reserve Component to Active Duty
2017年8月14日 · To calculate your 1405 service, you will need to know two numbers – your total points for retired pay and your total active duty points. You can get these numbers from the printout you receive annually – Air Guard from your AF Form 526 or Army Guard from your RPAM (NGB Form 23B). Sample calculation: Total Points for Retired Pay 7458
Why does the VA keeps saying my Education rating is only 60%?
2020年2月20日 · I am hoping someone can help me because every time I submit paper work to the VA they don't give me a reason as to why my Education rating is stuck at 60%. I'm aware that in order for my IET days to count i have to have at least 2 years of active service. Please someone correct me if I'm wrong but i should be getting at least 90% and if not can someone …
What is the NG FEDREC status for scroll P27-23? | RallyPoint
2023年7月11日 · Does anyone know the NG fedrec status for scroll P27-23? It's been stuck at 'At NGB...0 Days in DoD Approval Cycle" for about three months now according to ARNG-G1 Self-Service. Thank you.
Is the G1 Portal "FEDREC Status" still an accurate measure of …
2024年11月16日 · -G1 Portal is reportedly "accurate" but sometimes requires a push from your organic G1 to NGB to get the updates processed. Further; there is a reported significant issue with O2 to O3 that requires this push. BLUF: Reach out to your BDE G1 directly and request they ping NGB to check status.
What repercussions could I face if my counselor has ties to the …
2019年5月16日 · Long story short I did an IST and the counselor who helped me reached out to see how it was going and I told him I was trying to go active duty and my unit didn't want to push up a 368 because I ETS in August. He asked for my state and unit and come to find out I belive he has ties to NGB and with that said I'm pretty sure I shook a big tree and am wanting to …
How/where can a National Guard Officer access his ORB?
2016年4月30日 · I have been trying to get mine for a while now. The first day the G1 Gateway went down I called them. They said it was down for repairs and should be up shortly.
How do I transfer from NGB to Army Reserves? | RallyPoint
2015年10月21日 · Once everything is completed you will have a completed DD 368 with signatures, NGB 0123E, Separation Orders and NGB 22. If you are transferring straight into the Reserves, then make sure that they put your gaining unit in block 9 instead of the control group. The control group is the IRR.
How can I get my NGB 22 quickly after ETS? | RallyPoint
2020年4月10日 · Posted in these groups: Prior Service NGB Discharge. Posted 5 y ago Follow this discussion Respond.
Anyone have an update for FedRec scroll P37-24? | RallyPoint
2024年9月9日 · In any case, please feel free to use this new thread to ask questions and post updates to our little '"Promotion Purgatory Support Group". I do not work for NGB so I will not be able to get you answers, but at least we can re-establish the forum. Best of luck to y'all!...