Michael Hutchence, of INXS, died 25 years ago today : r/Music
2022年11月22日 · Michael Hutchence had the voice of an Angel, the raw presence of a sensual dreamy hunk and the eyes of a sweet, seductive master. I still vividly remember exactly where I was and what I was doing that very sad and somber moment when I heard the tragic, heartbreaking news on the radio.
Michael Hutchence : r/conspiracy_commons - Reddit
2019年6月23日 · They toured to sold-out crowds worldwide and sold over 50 million albums. Michael Hutchence, the lead singer, was considered one of the greatest frontmen in rock history, readily compared to the likes of Jim Morrison and Mick Jagger. Entertainment Weekly called him “the definition of sex from 1987-1991.”
Michael Hutchence - Reddit
In Michael's sister's book, she mentioned Paula being the reason for his split from Virginia Hey in '87, so love her or hate her (which Tina Hutchence certainly did), she had contact with Michael well after that interview and well before The Big Breakfast interview that sealed their fate.
TIL INXS lead singer Michael Hutchence suffered a fractured
TIL INXS lead singer Michael Hutchence suffered a fractured skull and brain damage from a cabbie attack in 1992. This resulted in depressive episodes and violent outbursts including pulling a knife on his bandmates and threatening to kill them. Five years later Michael hung himself.
At the 1996 Brit Awards, INXS’ frontman Michael Hutchence
2023年4月21日 · At the 1996 Brit Awards, INXS’ frontman Michael Hutchence presented Oasis the trophy for “Wonderwall”. In his speech, Noel Gallagher said, “Has-been shouldn’t present fucking awards to gonna-be’s.” - referring to INXS’ popularity declining. Those words reportedly “crushed Michael”.
Noel Gallagher: 'Has been shouldn't present fucking awards to
2022年2月12日 · The title of the video is ‘Was Noel Gallagher Responsible for the Death of Michael Hutchence?’. If that’s not insinuating he was, I don’t know what is. Regardless of him saying he wasn’t in the video, the title infers that some people think he was. It’s ridiculous. And that James Hargreaves is an absolute dickhead.
TIL in 1996 Michael Hutchence presented Oasis with a Brit ... - Reddit
2021年5月26日 · TIL in 1996 Michael Hutchence presented Oasis with a Brit Awards trophy and during the acceptance Noel Gallagher said, “Has-beens shouldn't be presenting awards to gonna-bes.” Afterwards, Hutchence secretly re-recorded the INXS song "Elegantly Wasted" to include the chorus, "I am better than Oasis".
Michael Hutchence 1990s. Lead singer of INXS. Gone 24yrs ago
2021年11月22日 · Hutchence's body was discovered by a hotel maid at 11:50 am. Police reported that Hutchence was found "in a kneeling position facing the door. He had used his snakeskin belt to tie a knot on the automatic door closure at the top of the door, and had strained his head forward into the loop so hard that the buckle had broken."[55]
The way Michael Hutchence was able to make his incredible
Freddie was a once in a lifetime talent. Probably one of the top five artists to ever do what he did. Maybe the best. Michael Hutchence was an absolute fucking rock star. Sure, he wasn’t Freddie, but then again neither were Robert Plant, Chris Cornell, Paul McCartney or a lot of other really good singers. Michael was definitely world class.
TIL contrary to popular belief, INXS frontman Michael Hutchence …
2023年5月2日 · TIL contrary to popular belief, INXS frontman Michael Hutchence didn’t die by autoerotic asphyxiation. The rumour was started by his partner Paula Yates, who while grief-stricken, was unable to accept the fact that Hutchence took his own life. The coroner also confirmed that Michael died by suicide.