MCSE or MCTS? - social.microsoft.com
2009年1月8日 · MCSE or MCTS? Archived Forums 421-440 > Training and Certification. Training and Certification https ...
MCNPS certificate - how I get it? - social.microsoft.com
2010年1月18日 · Systems Engineer on Windows NT 4.0 MCP 2.0 -- Certified Professional MCPS 2.0 - AOS: Exchange Server 5.x MCPS 2.0 - AOS: Internet Information Server MCPS 2.0 - AOS: Proxy Server / Security Server MCPS 2.0 - AOS: TCP/IP MCPS 2.0 - AOS: Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 MCPS 2.0 - AOS Commerce MCPS 2.0 - AOS Infrastructure MCPS 2.0 - AOS: …
MCDST jobs - social.microsoft.com
2009年4月28日 · i live in London, England and i was speaking to someone about doing a micrsoft course, i wanted to do MCDST but i was told their are not enough jobs out their for that type of course and instructed me to do MCSE.
Need a logo for my Resume? - social.microsoft.com
2015年3月23日 · After you log-in to your "benefits & exams" page at the MCP site (you registered with the code that you got after passing your first certification, didn't you?), scroll down and observe the link "Download certification logos".
MCITP: SA Exams not being Retired - social.microsoft.com
2012年8月4日 · I've now viewed several threads here where people are saying that the MCITP: Server Administrator exams (70-640, 70 ...
Microsoft and HDI Announce New Windows 7 Desktop Support …
2009年7月14日 · Microsoft is pleased to announce our partnership with (HDI) Help Desk Institute to deliver MCITP: Enterprise ...
Old MCP - New Challenges - social.microsoft.com
2008年12月16日 · Hi - Many years ago I took some of the exams for the NT4 track for the MCSE certification - the employer I was working for at the time operated a support & development department, so I was doing all sorts - from fixing hardware to writing office systems.
2013年12月31日 · As an MCSE you are supposed to know the answer to that question. Yes - every product and version requires a ...
It's my first certification - social.microsoft.com
2013年6月5日 · Hello people, I was thinking of attempting the MTA 98-361(Software Development Fundamentals) examination. Is it a ...
Robert Musekiwa's Profile - social.microsoft.com
2009年10月13日 · Solutions Architect, MCTS, MPIT, MCSE, Prince2 Practioner, ITIL Expert V3, CISSP, TOGAF Certified-Points