meaning - What does 'to be maxed out' mean? - English …
2014年4月23日 · max out: to reach the limit of one's capacity, endurance, etc. I think the above definition may fit, though more details about the dialogue may help to understand the context.
What is the origin of the phrase "Gag me with a spoon"?
2014年5月27日 · Like barfme out; gag me with a spoon. “Oh migosh! I'm getting a used four-wheel-drive. That's going to be like really, like a lot of money - I'm freakin' out, I'm sure. But, I don't know; like it's going to be like so cool, you know. Like see my 4X4. and The William and Mary Review, Volumes 19-22
Does "maximum" stand before or after a number? [closed]
2021年11月11日 · The word max is an informal [Lexico; Collins for the 'British usage'] or slang [AHD; Collins for the 'American usage'] word that is a whole word in itself. It could mean maximum (n. and adv.), maximal (adj.), or maximally (adv.). When you say "5000 max", you're using the adverb form of max, and could be read as "5000 maximum" or "5000 maximally."
verbs - "try" or "try out" (difference?) - English Language & Usage ...
2011年5月2日 · To try out can mean either to attempt to qualify for a team sport. Sheila plans to try out for the cheerleading squad. or, when used with an object, to see whether one wants to qualify something for possible use or purchase. I'm going to try out a new set of golf clubs Saturday. If I like them I'll buy them. EDIT. To "try" something also means ...
single word requests - What is the name for the glove worn to …
2015年10月1日 · Is there a specific name for the thick glove worn (or may be any cloth used) to touch hot dishes in the oven? For example, we wear a glove and take the dish containing baked food from the oven.
What is the meaning of an expression "Tufted titmouse"?
2019年8月30日 · She insists Max has never hurt anyone, but when she sees the bruise on Shaun’s face, Alex says she needs to find a place for Max and there is no shame in finding help for her and Max. She fears Max will hate her. Shaun remembers the moment his foster mom tells him, he has to move out because she is very sick. Shaun tells her, “tough tit ...
Word or Phrase for someone who pushes others to their full …
2016年4月5日 · I'm looking for a positive word/phrase, preferably something in common usage, that can be used to compliment someone (a professor in this instance) who pushes others (students) to achieve their full
Is "out" a preposition or an adverb in these sentences?
I'd say 'get out of' constitutes the transitive multi-word verb in OP's first example. It is a marginally variable idiom (other than get / gets / got etc): 'get the hell out of' (equivalent to adding an exclamation mark and bolding). In OP's second example, 'get out' is an intransitive MWV.
If you are talking "on behalf of" you and someone else, what is the ...
I looked at a bunch of style guides to see what they have to say on this subject. The vast majority of them dedicate at least a paragraph to the distinction (or nondistinction) between "in behalf of" and "on behalf of"—but not one addresses the question of how to handle "on behalf of" when used by a speaker to refer to another person and to him- or herself.
Is there a difference between "cash paid" and "cash tendered"?
The two phrases are often used interchangeably, in a conversational context. For casual usage, cash paid is more informal and more common than cash tendered.