bid number: 0000452627 1000189246 d/b svcs mnrr ada open date:06-feb-24 nv5 new york - engineers, arch lerch bates inc. exp u.s. services inc. jacobs civil consultants, inc. mci momentum consulting llc cavalry engineering pc the carian group corporation perfetto contracting co. inc. stv incorporated thornton tomasetti inc national elevator parsons
Metro-North Railroad 2020 annual storm water report - MTA
MNRR has filed the NOI and compiled a six-part SWMP for discharges from MNRR-owned or operated storm sewer systems at its facilities and rail/track lines to the waters of the United States.
geographical location (NYCT, LIRR, MNRR) to an on-call panel of NYC-licensed plumbing companies to service the metropolitan/Tri-state area for small and large maintenance and repair projects. The work to be performed under this Contract includes repair/replacement of all water, sewer and gas system components. Funding:
metro-north commuter railroad company cash balance plan table of contents page independent auditor’s report 1-2 management’s discussion and analysis (unaudited) 3-7
A P u b l i c a ti o n fo r MTA Me tr o -N o r th R a i l r o a d C u s to me r s Ma r c h 2 0 1 4 A L o o k B a c k a t a To u g h Ye a r
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For LIRR and MNRR, figures above are compared to the 2019 monthly weekday/Saturday/Sunday average.with Metro-North returning to 78% of the pre-pandemic levels. The loss of a significant portion of farebox revenues